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Compare 1587 edition: 1 This ſixt they conſtrued now to be this king Henrie in whome the fiue vnderkingdomes were vnited.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Of the ſame conqueſt prophecied their foure notable Saints, Patrike, Brachan, Colme, and Moling.King Henry feaſted the I|riſh Princes. Cranes fleſh not in vſe in Ireland till the comming of the Engliſh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In Chriſtmaſſe hee called all theſe Princes that were thus become his ſubiects vnto Dublyn where he made them a royall dinner. Here they began firſt to feed on Cranes fleſh, a foule til that ſeaſon vtterly abhorred of the Iriſh. The ſump|tuous ſeruice, and noble traine of thoſe that way|ted at this feaſt, was marueylous in the eyes of thoſe coũtrimẽ that had neuer ſene the like before.

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