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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Gothred king of Man.Gothredus king of Man being writtẽ vnto, as well by the Archbiſhop, as by Rotherike king of Connagh, came to further this enterpriſe with other Iland men embarked in .xxx. ſhips fraught full of warlike people, and aryuing in the hauen of Hauenliph, came forwarde to cloſe vp the ha|uen of Dublin.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that the Earle of Pembrooke being ſhut vp within the walles of Dublin, had abyd the ſiege for the ſpace of two Monethes togither, and coulde recouer no vytayles for the reliefe of hys people, ſo that famine began ſore to annoy them within: The malice of theyr enimies was not thus contented to moleſt the Engliſh men with keping them beſieged within Dublin,Duneualde Mac Dermi|tius. but Dune|ualde, Mac Dermicius or Dermote, alſo com|ming forth of the confines of Kencelie, got togi|ther an armie (what of ſuche as he brought with him forth of Kencelie, and of the towneſmen of Wexford) in all to the number of three thouſand, with which power hee enuironed Fitz Stephan that with a few lay within his Caſtel of Karrec, and conſtrayned him ſo ſore, that he wrote vnto the Earle, aduertiſing him, that if he were not re|ſcued within three dayes, all ſuccour would come to late. There were beſieged within Dublyn in company of the Erle Maurice, Fitz Geralde and Reymonde that was lately returned from King Henrie: the one brother, and the other nephew to Fitz Stephan: wherevpon when aduertiſement was come in what daunger he ſtood, being ſo be|ſet of enimies that he might by no meanes eſcape without preſent reſcue, they vſed ſuch perſwaſion with the Earle,The beſieged determin to ſally forth vp their enimies that it was reſolutely determi|ned to make a ſally forth vpon the enimies, and to trie the hazarde of battaile, ſo to delyuer them|ſelues and other from inſtant perill: eyther with victorie or death, ſithe otherwiſe they knewe not howe to prouide remedie in ſuch deſperate ſtate of things.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Herevpon they choſe forth a conuenient num|ber to leaue behinde them in the Citie for the ga [...]d thereof, and with the reſidue marched forth, deui|ded into three troupes, the firſt being [...] Rey|monde accompanied with .xx. knightes. The ſe|conde was gouerned by Myles, who ha [...] wyth him .xxx. knightes: and laſtly in the r [...]rewarde went the Erle himſelfe, and Fitz Geralde, hauing with them .xl. knightes beſide other horſmen, and a fewe Citizens that were ioyned with them in eche of thoſe three wardes ſome: with ſo ſmall a cõpanie they manfully ſet vpon the whole campe of theyr enimies, being fewe leſſe than .xxx. thou|ſand, and [...]o beſtyrred themſelues,A notable vic|torie gotten by a fewe a|gaynſt a great number. that with great ſlaughter they obteyned a glorious victorie, [...]ha|ſing their enimies, and ſleaing them as they o|uertooke them, till the euening came vpon them, and cauſed them to returne into the Citie wyth ſuch vytayles and other ſpoyles as they founde in the enimies campe. Rotherike being in his bane when the fight firſt began, got away as well as he might, and ſo eſcaped.

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10.22. Rothorike prince of Connagh and Gotred king of Man do be|siege the citie of Dublin. Chap. 22.

Rothorike prince of Connagh and Gotred king of Man do be|siege the citie of Dublin. Chap. 22.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 AFter this, the Irishmen perceiuing that by reason of the kings late proclamation, the earles men and vittels did wast, decaie, and consume for want of their woonted supplies from out of England: all their princes assembled themselues, and doo agree with all their power and force to besiege the citie of Dublin, being procured therevnto by Laurence then archbishop there; who for the zeale and loue of his countrie, did verie earnest|lie trauell herein: and ioining with Rothorike king of Connagh, they sent their letters to Gotred king of the Ile of Man, and to all others the princes of the Ilands, making earnest requests, vsing their persuasions, and promising liberall rewards, if they would come to helpe and aid them to besiege Dublin; they on the water, and the other at land: who were easilie to be persuaded thervnto, and forth|with yéelded to these requests, not onelie for the de|sire of gaines offered: but especiallie, because they doubted, and were afraid of the Englishmen, who hauing dailie good successe they feared least they in EEBO page image 17 time would giue the onset on them, and make a con|quest ouer their possessions. And therfore they foorth|with made themselues readie, and prepared their ships accordinglie. And as soone as the next good wind serued, they came in thirtie ships of warre, verie well appointed, and arriued into the hauen of Aneliffe, or port of Dublin: whose comming was verie thankfull and gratefull. For whie? Whose helps are best liked when men in their affaires haue those to ioine with them which be or feare to be in the like perils and dangers? But the earle and his compa|nie, who had béene shut vp now two moneths within the citie, and whose vittels failed, and were almost consumed, by reason that vpon the kings comman|dement a restraint was made (and therefore none could be brought vnto them out of England) were in a great dumpe and perplexitie, and in a maner were at their wits end, and wist not what to doo. And in this their case see the course and nature of fortune, who when she frowneth, sendeth not one euill alone, but heapeth mischéefe vpon mischéefe, and trouble vp|on trouble. For behold Donald Mac Dermon came from out of the borders of Kencile, & brought news that the men of Wexford & of Kencile to the num|ber of thrée thousand persons had beséeged Robert Fitzstephans and his few men in his castell of the Karecke, and vnlesse they did helpe and rescue him within thrée daies it would be too late; for they should and would else be taken. At this time there was with the earle within the citie Maurice Fitzgerald, and his cosine Reimond, who was latelie returned from the court; and these were not onelie now trou|bled in respect of their owne cause, but for the distres of others, and speciallie Maurice Fitzgerald, who tenderlie tooke and was gréeued with the distressed state of his brother Robert Fitzstephans, and of his wife and children, that they being in the middle of their enimies, should be in so weake a hold not able to kéepe out such a companie: and so rising vp ma|keth this spéech to the earle, and to such as were about him, as followeth.

10.23. The oration of Maurice Fitzgerald. Chap. 23.

The oration of Maurice Fitzgerald. Chap. 23.

YE worthie men, we came not hither, nor were we called into this countrie to be idle, nor to liue deliciouslie: but to trie fortune, and to séeke aduentures. We stood somtimes vpon the top of the wheele, and the game was on our side; but now the whéele is turned, & we cast downe: and yet no doubt she will turne againe, and we shall be on the top. For such is the mutabilitie of fortune, & such is the vncerteine state & course of this world, that prosperitie and aduersitie doo interchangeablie, and by course the one follow the other. After daie commeth the night; and when the night is passed, the daie returneth againe. The sun riseth, and when he hath spred his beames all the daie time, then he com|meth to his fall: and as soone as the night is past, he is againe come and returned to his rising againe. We who before this haue made great triumphs, & haue had fortune at will, are now shut vp on euerie side by our enimies. We be destitute of vittels, and can haue no reléefe neither by land nor yet by sea: our fréends cannot helpe vs, and our enimies readie to deuoure vs. Likewise Fitzstephans, whose vali|antnesse and noble enterprise hath made waie vnto vs into this Iland, he now is also shut vp in a weake hold and feeble place, too weake and slender to hold and kéepe out so great a force. Whie then doo we tarie? And wherefore doo we so linger? Is there anie hope of reléefe from home? No no, the matter is otherwise, and we in woorse case. For as we be o|dious and hatefull to the Irishmen, euen so we now are reputed: for Irishmen are become hatefull to our owne nation and countrie, and so are we odious both to the one and to the other. Wherfore for so much as fortune fauoreth the forward, and helpeth the bold; let vs not longer delaie the matter, nor like sluggards lie still: but whiles we are yet lustie, and our vittels not all spent, let vs giue the onset vpon our enimies: for though we be but few in number in respect of them, yet if we will be of valiant minds and lustie courages, as we were woont to be, we may happilie haue the victorie and conquest of these na|ked wretches and vnarmed people. These spéeches he vsed as the sicke man is woont to doo, who in hope of recouerie of his health, dooth manie times beare out a good countenance, and dissemble his inward greefe and heauinesse. When he had fullie ended his talke and spoken his mind, Reimond, who was also in the like anguish and heauinesse spake thus.

10.24. The oration of Reimond. Chap. 24.

The oration of Reimond. Chap. 24.

YE renowmed, and worthie, & noble men, whose fame for valiantnesse and chiualrie is carried and spread beyond and through the o|cean seas: we are now to looke well vnto our selues, and to haue good regard to our honor and cre|dit. You haue heard how grauelie my vncle Mau|rice hath declared, how pithilie he hath aduised, and how prudentlie he hath counselled vs what we shall doo in this our distresse and present necessitie. Wher|fore we are well to consider thereof, & to determine and resolue our selues what we will doo. The time is short, the perils imminent, and the dangers great, and therefore no delaies are now to be vsed. It is no time now to sit in long councels, nor to spend much time in speeches; but in present perils we must vse present remedies. Ye sée the enimies both at sea and land round about vs, and no waie is there to escape; but we must either giue the aduenture vpon them like men, or die here like beasts: for our vit|tels faile vs, and our prouision waxeth scant & short, and we know not how to renew the same. And how little comfort we are to looke for out of England, and what small helpe we shall haue from the king, I haue alreadie at large declared vnto you. I know his excellencie dispraiseth not our actiuities, but yet he fauoreth not our successes: he discommendeth not our valiantnesse, but yet enuieth at our glorie: in words he reporteth well of our seruices, but he yet secretlie hindereth the same: he feareth that which we meane not, and doubteth of that which we thinke not. To trust therefore vnto them, who care not for vs; to looke for helpe from them, who mind not anie; and to wait for reléefe where none is meant; it were but a meere follie, and a lost labor on our parts, and in the end like to returne to our owne shame, reproch, & confusion. Wherefore being out of all hope of anie further helpe or supplie; and out of all doubt of anie further comfort or reléefe: let vs as becommeth no|ble, lustie, and valiant men, trie the course of for|tune, and prooue the force of the enimie. Let it ap|peere vnto them as it is knowen vnto vs, of what race we came, and from whom we descended. Cam|ber (as it is well knowen) the first particular king of Cambria our natiue countrie was our ancestor, and he the sonne of that noble Brutus, the first and sole monarch of all England, whose ancestor was Tros the founder of the most famous citie of Troie, and he descended from Dardanus the sonne of Iupiter, from whom is deriued vnto vs not onlie the [...]me EEBO page image 18 of ancient nobilitie, but also a certeine naturall in|clination of valiant minds, & couragious stomachs, bent to follow all exploits in prowesse and chiualrie, and wherein all our ancestors haue béene verie skil|full and expert. And shall we now like sluggards de|generate from so noble a race, and like a sort of cow|ards be afraid of these naked and vnarmed rascalls, in whome is no valor of knowledge nor experience in armes? Shall such a rabble of sauages pinne vs vp within the walles of this little Dublin, and make vs afraid of them; when in times past all the princes of Gréece kept warres for ten yeares & od moneths continuallie against our ancestors in the famous ci|tie of Troie, and could not preuaile against them, vntill they vsed treasons and practised treacheries, which bred vnto them a more infamous victorie than a glorious triumph? Shall the honor of our ancestors be withered by our sluggishnesse, and the glorie of their prowesse be buried in our cowardnesse? Shall we be afraid of a few, and vnarmed, when they with|stood infinit multitudes of the most worthiest and va|liantest personages then in all the world? Let it ne|uer be said, that the bloud of the Troians shall be stained in our pusillanimitie, and receiue reproch in our follie.

And what though our enimies be neuer so manie, and we in respect of them but a handfull; shall we therefore be afraied; as though victorie stood in multi|tude, and conquest in great numbers? No no, kings be not so saued nor princes doo so conquer: for a few men well disposed and a small number well incou|raged, are sufficient to incounter with a greater number, being wretches and sluggards. For fortune though she be purtraied to be blind, as one void of right iudgement; and to stand vpon a rolling stone, as being alwaies fléeting and mooueable: yet for the most part she helpeth such as be of bold minds and of valiant stomachs. If time did serue as matter is full and plentious, I could hereof recite manie yea infi|nite examples. (1) Thomiris the Scithian queene, did not she with a few hundreds incounter with the great monarch Cyrus, hauing manie thousands, and tooke him and slue him. Alexander with a few Mace|donians, did not he ouercome Darius the great mo|narch of the Persians, and take him, his wife, and daughters prisoners, & made a conquest of all Per|sia? (2) Leonides the Spartan, did not he with six hundred men breake into the campes of the mightie Xerxes, and there slaie fiue thousand of them? Let vs come a little néerer euen to our selues, who haue had in our owne persons, and in this land the like succes|ses, namelie you my right honourable earle at Wa|terford, and my vncle Fitzstephans at Wexford; and I my selfe at Dundorogh: small were our compa|nies, and little was our force in respect of theirs, and yet we few thorough our valiantnesse ouercame and conquered them being manie.

What shall I trouble you with the recitall of ex|amples, sith time shall sooner faile than matter want: and shall we then giue ouer and be white liue|red? Shall we like cowards couer our progenie, our nation, and our selues also, with perpetuall shame and infamie? God forbid. My mind then and opinion is, that we doo issue out vpon them, as se|cretlie and as suddenlie as we maie, and boldlie giue the onset vpon them. And forsomuch as Rothorike of Connagh is the generall of the field, in whom lieth the chiefe force, and on whom all the rest doo depend, it shall be best to begin with him, and then if we can giue the ouerthrow vnto him, all the residue will flie, and we shall obteine a glorious victorie: but if we shall fall into their hands and be killed, yet shall we leaue an honourable report and an immortall fame to all our posteritie. When Reimond had ended his spéeches and finished his oration, euerie one so well liked thereof, as with one consent they gaue ouer, and yéelded to his resolution and opinion.

(1) Cyrus the sonne of Cambises the first mo|narch Sleidan. de [...] sum imper. lib. 1. of Persia, after that he had subdued all A|sia, he minding to doo the like in Scithia did inuade the same: Thomiris being then quéene thereof. And on a certeine time hauing pitched his tents in a faire and pleasant soile, suddenlie as though he had beene afraied of his enimies he fled, and left his tents full of wines and vittels. Which when the quéene heard, she sent hir onelie sonne a yoong gentleman with the third part of hir host and armie to follow and pur|sue Cyrus: who when he came to the forsaken tents, and finding there such abundance & plentie of wine and vittels, wherevnto the Scithians had not before beene accustomed, they fell so hungerlie to their vit|tels, and dranke so liberallie of the wines, that they were ouerladen and ouercommed with surfetting. Which when Cyrus heard of, he suddenlie and secret|lie in the night came vpon them, and finding them all asléepe, killed them all. Thomiris hearing of this, was not so much grieued with sorrow for the death of hir sonne, as inflamed with the desire to be reuen|ged. And she likewise faining hir selfe to flie, Cyrus by pursuing of hir was brought into certeine nar|row streicts, where she taking the aduantage of him, tooke him, killed him, and siue all his companie, to the number of two thousand: insomuch that there was not one left to returne with message to declare the same?

(2) Leonides was king of Sparta or Lacede|monia, who being aduertised that the mightie mo|narch Xerxes minding to continue the warres with his father Darius had appointed and begun against all Gréece, & that he had made preparation therefore fiue yeares togither, dooth also prepare himselfe to withstand the same. And notwithstanding that Xer|xes had in his armie thrée hundred thousand of his owne subiects, and two hundred thousand of stran|gers: yet Leonides hauing gotten Xerxes within the streicts of Thermipolis, and he hauing but foure thousand soldiers gaue the onset vpon the monarch, and fought the battels thrée daies togither with him, and at length gaue him the ouerthrow.