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Snippet: 1 of 200 (1577, Volume 3, p. 21) EEBO page image 21The ſeconde Booke of the Hiſtories of Irelande, in which the conqueſt made
by Henry the ſecond of that name, King of Englande, is comprehended.
[figure appears here on page 21]
Snippet: 2 of 200 (1577, Volume 3, p. 21) Compare 1587 edition:
Anno. 1167.
Dermote Macmurche.
_DErmucius or Dermote Macmurche Kyng
of Leyniſter, and gouer|nor of the fifte parte of Irelande, poſſeſſed all ye
Eaſt partes of the Iſle alõgſt by ye Sea coaſt, an oppreſſor of the
no|bilitie, vſing much crueltie towardes the Lords and great men of his
countrey. To ſerue his le|cherous luſt, hee
ſecretely made ſute in diſhoneſt wiſe vnto the Queene of Meth, the daughter of
Amalachelmus,Amalachel|nus Morice [...] of Meth. and wife vnto Morice King of Meth, which Morice going
vpon a iourney into farre parts foorth of his countrey, left his Queene in a
certayne ile in Meth, but before his returne, ſhee condiſcending vnto Dermotes
deſire,Dermote a|buſeth the wife of King Morice.
was voluntarily ſtolne away by the ſame Dermuci|us. King Morice of Meth hir
huſband ſore mo|ued heerewith, determineth to bee reuenged, and the better to bring his purpoſe to paſſe, he maketh
complaynte of the whole iniurie vnto Rotherick Ochonor King of Connagh,Rotherick Ochonor Mo|narke of Ire|lande. that was in
thoſe dayes Monarke of Ireland, beſeeching him of aſ|ſiſtance in that
enterpriſe, which he meant to take in hand againſt that vile adulterer Kyng
Der|mote. The people of Leyniſter deteſting the quarrell, and hauing long agoe
conceyued no ſmal hatred againſt theyr K. for his outragious-crueltie vſed
againſt his ſubiects, forſooke hym in his
greateſt neceſſitie, ſo that hee being left deſo|late of all comforte,Dermucius [...]eeth out of Irelande. He commeth to the King of Englande Henry the
[...]conde. with muche difficultie gote a veſſell, and fledde for
ſuccour vnto Henry the ſe|cond King of Englande then remayning in A|quitayne,
where hee was occupied in warres a|gainſt the Frenchmen.
Snippet: 3 of 200 (1577, Volume 3, p. 21) Somewhat before this
preſente ſeaſon it chaunced, that Adrian, the fourth of that name, then Pope of
Rome, an Engliſhman borne,Adrian the fourth Biſhop of Rome
an Engliſhman borne. in the towne of Saint Albous, who before time
had bin ſente into Norway, to inſtruct that lande in the Chriſtian religion,
where he learned perfectly the ſtate of Ireland, & how that although
Chriſt was there taught and beleeued, yet the multitude being a furious and
ſauage generation, were gro|wen to ſuche a licentious and ſhamefull kinde of
libertie, making no accounte of the neceſſarie pointes of doctrine, more than
ſerued their ſenſu|all and wilfull luſtes, that it was greatly to bee doubted,
leaſt they would at length vtterly aban|don Chriſtianitie, and giue themſelues
ouer to a beaſtly order of liuing, nothing agreeable with the lawes and rites
of other people that profeſſed Chriſtes Religion.
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