Compare 1587 edition: 1 To the Monarke beſides hys allowance of Dominion, titles of honor, and other priuileges in iuriſdiction, there was graunted to him a ne|gatiue in nomination of Biſhops when they were vacant:The power of the Monarke in election of Biſhops. for the Cleargie and laitie of the di|oces commended one, whome they thought con|ueniente vnto their King, the King to the Mo|narke, the Monarke to the Archbiſhop of Can|terbury: for that as yet the Metropolitanes of Ireland had not receyued their paſſes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this ſorte was nominated to the Biſhop|rike of Dublin then voyde, in the yeere of Chriſt 1074.Goderius king of Leyniſter. at the petition of Goderius King of Ley|niſter by ſufferance of the Cleargie and people there,Terdienatus the Monarke. Patricius con|ſecrated Bi|ſhop of Du|blin by Lan|franke. with the aſſente of Terdienatus the Monarke, a learned Prelate called Patricius, whome Lanfranke of Canterbury conſecrated in Paules Churche at London, and ſware hym to obedience after the manner of his aunce|ſtors.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Chriſtian Biſhop of Liſmore
legate to En|genius the thirde,
1152 Chriſtan Bi|ſhop of Liſ|more. Foure Metro|politane Seas in Irelande.