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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ruanus hovve long he lyued.And hereby lyeth a vayne tale among the I|riſhmen,Ruanus hovve long he lyued. that one of the Giants named Ruanus chancing to be preſerued from this mortalitie, li|ued forſooth about .2041. yeres, which is more thã twice the age of Mathuſalem. By this man (ſay they) S. Patrike was enformed of all the eſtate of the coũtrey: and after that vpon requeſt he had receiued baptiſme of the ſayd Patrike, he deceaſed in the yere after the birth of our ſauior .430. as in the Iriſhe hiſtories hath bene vnaduiſedly regi|ſtred. But ſuche fooliſhe tales and vayne nar|rations may warne the aduiſed reader how to be|ware of yelding credite vnto the lyke idle fanta|ſies & forged tales, when they hap to lyght vpon ſuche blynde Legendes. For where ſome of the Poets vſed for inuention ſake to fayne ſuch drea|ming Fables,Forged tales & fables vvinne credit in tyme, to paſſe among the vnskilfull people for true hiſtories. for exerciſe of their ſtiles and wits, afterwarde thorough errour and lacke of know|ledge, they haue ben taken with the ignorant for verie true and moſte aſſured hiſtories.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe to the matter as we fynde it recor|ded of an infinite number of Giants ſlayne and made away in maner afore reherſed, certain there were that got them into ſome lurking dennes or caues, and there kepte them till lacke of victuals enforced them to come foorth, and make ſhift: for ſuſtenaunce, and perceyuing no reſiſtance by|cauſe the lande was in maner lefte deſolate, they waxed bolder, and when they vnderſtoode howe things had paſſed, they ſettled them ſelues in the beſt part of the countrey, eaſily ſubduing the poore ſillie ſoules that remayned, and ſo reuiuing theyr lignage, they became lordes of the whole Iland, keping the ſame in ſubiection for the ſpace of three ſcore yeares together.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Gene. 10.Among Iaphets ſonnes we reade in Geneſis, that Magog was one, who planted his people in Scythia neere Tanais,Anno mundi .2317. Nemodus [...] his foure le [...]ies. from whence aboute the yeere of the world .2317. Neniodus with his .iiij. ſonnes Starius, Garbaneles, Anuinus, Fergu|ſius capitaynes ouer a faire companye of people, were ſent into Ireland, who paſſing by Grecia, and taking there ſuche as were deſirous to ſeeke aduentures with them, at length they landed in Irelande inhabited the countrey,Irelande eftſo|nes inhabited by the ofſpring of Iaphet. and multiplyed therein, although not without continuall warre, which they helde with the Giantes, for the ſpace of two hundred and ſixteene yeeres, in the ende of whiche terme the Giauntes preuayling,The Giaunts preuayle. chaſed them thẽce again, ſo that they retired into Syria.

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