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1.2. The names of the ciuities, borroughes and hauen townes in Irelande. Cap. 3.

The names of the ciuities, borroughes and hauen townes in Irelande. Cap. 3.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Dublinium.DVblin, the beautie and eye of Irelande, hath béene named by Prolomie, in aun|cient time, Eblana. Some terme it Dublina, others Dublinia, many write it Dublinum, auctours of better ſkill name it Dublinium. The Iriſh call it, Ballée er Cleagh, that is, a towne planted vpon hurdelles. For the com|mon opinion is, that the plotte, vppon which, the ciuitie is buylded, hath béene a mariſhe ground, & for that by the arte or inuention of the firſt founder, the water could not be voy|ded, he was forced to faſten the quakemyre with hurdles, and vpon them to buylde the ci|tie. I heard of ſome that came of buildyng of houſes to this foundation: and other holde o|pinion that if a carte or wayne runne wyth a round and maine pace, through a ſtréete cal|led the high ſtréete, the houſes on eche ſide ſhal be perceyued to ſhake. This Citye was builded,Dublyne buylded. or rather the buildings therof enlar|ged, about the yeare of our Lord .155. For a|bout this tyme there arriued in Ireland thrée noble Eaſterlings that were brethren, Auel|lanus, Sitaracus, and Yuorus. Auellanus the foũder of Dublin Auellanus beyng the eldeſt brother, builded Dublin, Sitaracus Waterforde, and Yuorus Limmerick. Of the founder Auellanus, Auellana Eblana. Dublin was named Auel|lana, and after by corruption of ſpeache Ebla|na. This Citie, as it is not in antiquitie in|feriour to any citie in Irelande, ſo in plea|ſaunt ſituation, in gorgeous buildings, in the multitude of people, in martiall chiualrie, in obedience and loyaltie, in the aboundaunce of wealth, in largenes of hoſpitalitie, in maners and ciuilitie it is ſuperiour to all other Cy|ties and townes in that realme.

Dublyne the Iriſhe London.

The ſcitu|tion of Dublyne.

And therfore it is commonly called the Iriſhe or yong Lõ|don. The ſeate of this citie is of all ſides pleaſant, comfortable, and wholſome. If you would trauerſe hils, they are not farre of. If champion ground it lyeth of all partes, if you be delited with freſhwater, the famous riuer called the Liffie, named of Ptolome Lybni|um, The Lif|fye. runneth faſt by. If you wil take the view of the ſea, it is at hande. The onely faulte of thys Citie is, that it is leſſe frequented of merchant eſtrangers, becauſe of the bare ha|uen. Their charter is large, King Henry the fourth gaue this Citie the ſworde,

The ſworde gi|uen to Du|blyne.

Shyriffes of Dublin [...] 1547.

in the yere of our Kord 1409. and was ruled by a Mayor and two Bailifs, which were chaunged into Shirifs by a charter graunted by Edwarde the ſixte, in the yeare of our Lorde 1547. In which yeare Iohn Ryan and Robert Ians, two worſhipfull gentlemen, were colleages in that office, and therof they are named the laſt Bailifs and firſt Shirifes, that haue bene in Dublin. It appeareth by the aunciẽt ſeale of thys Citie, called Signum praepoſiturae,

Dublyne gouerned by a Pro|uoſt.

The hoſ|pitalitie of ye Mayor & Shirife [...]

that this Citie haue béene in olde tyme go|uerned by a Prouoſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Hoſpitalitie of the Mayor and the Shyriffes, for the yeare being is ſo large and bountifull, that ſoothly, London forepriced, a very few ſuch Officers vnder the crowne of Englande kéepe ſo great a porte, none, I am ſure, greater. The Mayor, ouer the number of Officers, that take their daily repaſt at his table, kéepeth, for his yeare, in mãner, open houſe. And albeit in tearme time his houſe is frequented aſwell of the Nobilitie as of other Potentates of great calling, yet his ordina|rie is ſo good, that a very few ſet feaſtes are prouided for them. They that ſpende leaſt in their Mayoraltie (as thoſe of credite, yea and ſuch as bare the office haue informed me) make an ordinary accõpt of 5. hundred poũds for their viaunde & dyet that yeare. Which is no ſmall ſomme to be beſtowed in houſekée|ping, namelye where victualles are ſo good cheape, and the preſentes of friendes diuers and ſundry.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 10 There hath beene of late yeares a woorshipfull gentleman, named, Patricke Sarcefield, that bare the office of the Mayoraltie in Dublynne, who kept so greate porte in his yeare, as his hospitalitie to his fame and renowne reasteth as yet in fresh memorie. One of his especiall and entyre friendes entering in co(m)munication with the gentleman, his yeare being well neere expyred, mooued question, to what, he thought, his enpenses, that yeare, amounted: Truely, Iames (so hys friend was named) quoth M. Sarcefield, I take betweene me & God, when I entered into mine office, the last S.Hierome his day (which is the morowe of Michaelmasse, on which day the Mayor taketh his othe before the chiefe Baron, at the Exchequer, within the castle of Dublinne) I had three barnes well stored & thwackt with corne, and I assured my selfe, that any one of these three had beene sufficie(n)t, to haue stored myne house wyth breade, Ale, and beere for this yeare. And nowe, God and good companie be thanked, I stande in doubt, whether I shall rubbe out my Mayoraltie with my thirde barne, which is well nigh wyth my yeare ended. And yet nothing smiteth me so much at the heart, as that the knot of good fellowes, that you see here (he ment the sergeantes and officers) are readie to flit from me and make their next yeares aboade with the next Mayor. And certes I am so much wedded to good fellowshippe, as if I coulde maintayne mine house, to my contentation wyth defraying of fiue hu(n)dred pounds yearely, I woulde make humble sute to the citizens, to be theyr officer these three yeares to come. Ouer this, he dyd at the same tyme protest with othe, that he spent that yeare in housekeping twentie tonnes of Claret wine, ouer and aboue whyte wine, Sacke, Maulmesey, Muscadel, &c. And in very deede it was not to be marueiled. For during his Mayoraltie his house was so open, as commonly fro(m) fiue of the clock in the morning to tenne at night his buttrey and cellars were with one crew or other frequented. To the haunting of which, guestes were the sooner allured, for that you should neuer marck him or his bedfellowe (such was their buxomnesse) once frowne, or wrinckle their foreheads, or bende their browes, or gloome their countenaunces, or make a sower face at any guest, were he neuer so meane. But their enterteynme(n)t was so notable, as they would sauce their bountifull and daintie fare with heartie and amiable cheere. His Porter or any other Officer durst not for both his eares giue the simplest man, that resorted to his house, Tom drum his entertaynement, which is, to hale a man in by the heade, and thrust him out by both the shoulders. For he was fully resolued, that his worshippe and reputation coulde not be more distayned, then by the currish entertaynement of any guest. To be briefe (according to the golden verses of the auncient and famous poet Geffray Chauncer. [sic]

An housholder, and that a great, was he,
Sainct Iulian he was in his countre.
His bredde, his Ale, was alway after one.
A better viended man was no where none.
Without bakte meate was neuer his house.
Of fishe and fleshe, and that so plenteouse,
It snewed in his house of meate and drinke.
Of all deinties, that men coulde thinke.
After the sundry seasons of the yere,
So chaunged he his meate, and his suppere.
Full many a fat Partriche had he in mew,
And many a breme, and many a Luce in stew.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some of his friendes, that were snudging pennyfathers, woulde take him vp verye roughly, for his lauishing and his outragious expenses, as they tearme it. Twise, my maisters, woulde he saye, take not the matter so hote. Who so commeth to my table, and hath no neede of my meate, I knowe, he commeth for the good will, he beareth me, and therefore I am beholding to thanke him for his companie: if he resorte for neede, how may I bestow my goodes better, then in releeuing the poore: If you had perceyued me so farre behinde hande, as that I had beene like to haue bought Haddocke to Paddocke, I woulde paciently permit you, both largely to controule me, and friendly to reprooue me. But as long as I cutte so large thonges of mine owne leather, as that I am not yet come to my buckle, and during the time I keepe my selfe so farre a flote, as that I haue as much water as my ship draweth, I pray you, pardon me, to be liberall in spending, sith God of his goodnesse is gracious in sending.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And in deede so it fell out. For at the ende of his Mayoraltie he ought no man a dotkin. What he despended was his owne. And euer after during his life, he kept so woorthy standing house, as he seemed to surrender the Princes swoorde to other Mayors, and reserued the porte and hospitalitie to himselfe. Not long before him was Nicolas Stanihurst their Mayor, who was so greate and good an householder, that during his Mayoraltie, the Lord Chancellour of the royalme was his dayle & ordinarie guest. There haue beene of late woorshipfull portes kept by M.Fyanne, who was twyse Mayor, M. Sedgraue, Thomas Fitz Symons, Robert Cusack. Walter Cusack, Nicholas Fitz Symons, Iames Bedlow, Christofer Fagan, and diuers others EEBO page image 583 others. And not onely their officers so farre excell hoſpitalitie,The hoſ|pitalitie of Dublyne. but alſo the greater parte of the ciuitie is generally addicted to ſuch or|dinarie and ſtanding houſes, as it woulde make a man muſe, which way they are able, to beare it out, but onely by the goodneſſe of God, which is the Vpholder and Furtherer of hoſpitalitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 What ſhoulde I here ſpeake of the [...] chari|table alemoyſe, dayly and hourely extended to the néedie? The poore priſoners both of the Newgate and the Caſtle, with three or foure hoſpitalles, are chiefly, if not onely, reléeued by the citizẽs. Furthermore there are ſo ma|ny other extraordinarie beggers, that dayly ſwarme there, ſo charitablye ſuccoured; as that they make the whole citie in effect theyr hoſpitall. The great expenſes of the citizens may probably be gathered by the worthy and Fayrelike marckets wéekely o [...] Weneſday and fryday kept in Dublinne. Theyr ſham|bles is ſo well ſtored with meate,The ſham|bles and markets of Du|blyne. and their market with corne, as not onely in Ireland, but alſo in other countreys you ſhall not ſée any one ſhambles, or any one market better furniſht with the one, or the other, then Du|blinne is. The Citizens haue, from time to time, in ſundry conflictes, ſo galde the Iriſhe, that euen to this daye,The black ſtandarde. the Iriſhe feare a rag|ged and iagged blacke ſtandarde that the Ci|tizens haue, almoſt, through tract of tyme, worne to the harde [...]umpes. This ſtandarde they carie with them in hoſtings, being ne|uer diſplayed, but when they are readie to enter in battaile, and to come to the ſhocke. The fight of which daunteth the Iriſh aboue meaſure.The mu|ſlerres of Dublyne. And, for the better training of their yougth in martial exploytes, the Citizens vſe to muſter foure times by the yere: on Black|monday, which is the morow of Eaſter day, on Mayday, S. Iohn Baptiſt his eue, and S. Peter his eue. Whereof two are aſcribed to the Maior & Shirifes, the other two, to witte, the muſters on Maydaye & S. Peter his eue are aſſigned to the Mayor and Shirifes of the bullering.The Maior of the bul|ring. The Mayor of Bullering is an office elected by the citizens, to be, as it were capitaine or gardayne of the batchelers and the vnwedded youth of the ciuitie. And for the yeare he hath auctoritie to chaſtiſe & pu|niſhe ſuch, as frequent brothelhouſes, and the lyke vnchaſt places. He is termed the Mayor of the Bull [...]ring, of an Iron ring that ſtic|keth in the corne market, to which the bulles, that are yearely bayted, be uſuallye tyed: which ring is had by him and his companye in ſo great price, as if any citizen batcheler happe to marry, the Mayor of the bulring & his crewe conduct the bridegrome, vpon hys returne from Church, to the market place, & ſhots with a [...] kiſſe, for hys Vultunu [...] vale, he doth homage to the bullring.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Blackmonday muſter ſpring of hys occaſion ſome after Irelande was conquered by the Britons,The [...]+monday.

Dublyne inhabited by ye Bri|ſtollians.

This [...] about the yeare of our Lord [...] 1209.

and the greater part of Lein| [...]er pacified, diuers townes men of Briſtow [...]ytted from thence to Dublin, and in ſhorte ſpace the ci [...]itie was by them ſo well inhabi|ted, as it gr [...] to be very populous.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Wherevpon the citizens hauing ouer great a [...]ce in the multitude of the people, and [...] conſequently being ſomewhat retcheleſſe in h [...]ding the [...]untayne enemie, that [...]o| [...] vnder their [...], were w [...]nt to r [...]ame and [...]oyle [...]olu [...]ers, ſometime three or foure myles from the towne. The Iriſhe enemyes & ſpying, that the Citizens were accuſtomed to [...]et [...] ſuch odde vagaries, eſpeciallye on the holy dayes, and hauing an ynckling with|all by the meanes of ſome falſe [...]aterfert [...] [...]er, that a companie of them woulde haue ranged abroade, on mondaye in the Eaſter wi [...]e, towards the woodde of Cullen, which is diſtaunt two myles from Dubline, they ſay in ſtale very well appointed, and layde in ſundry places for their comming. The Citi|zens rather minding ye pleaſure, they ſhoulde preſently enioy, then forcaſting the hurt, that might enſue, [...]ockt vnarmed out of the ciuitie to the wood, where being intercepted by thẽ, that ſay h [...]ng in ambuſh, they were to the number of fiue hundred miſerably ſlayne. Wherevpon the remnaunt of the Citizens dée [...]ing that vnluckie time to be a croſſe or [...] [...]malle daye, gaue it the appellation of Blackmondaye. The Citie ſoone after being peopled by a freſhe ſupply of Briſtollians, to dare the Iriſhe enemie, agréede, to bancket yearely in that place. Which to this daye is obſerued. For the Mayor and the Shir [...]es with the Citizens repayre to the wood of C [...]|len, in which place the Mayor beſtoweth a coſtly dinner within a mote or a roundell, & both ye Shirifes within an other, where they are ſo well garded with the yougth of the ci|tie, as the mountayne enemie dareth not at|tempt, to ſnatche as much, as a pa [...]ey cruſt from thence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Dubline hath at this daye within the citie and in the ſuburbes theſe churches that en|ſue,The chur|ches of Dublyne. of which the greater number are paroche churches, onely Chriſt his church with a few oratories and chappels excepted.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3
  • Chriſtes his church,Chriſt-church.

    otherwiſe named oc|cleſia S. Trinitatis, a cathedrall church, the an|cienteſt that I can finde recorded of all the churches now ſtandyng in Dublin. I take it to haue bene builded, if not in Au [...]llanus hys EEBO page image 11 tyme, yet ſoone after by the Danes. The buil|ding of which, was both repayred and enlar|ged by Citrius prince of Dublin, at the ear|neſt requeſt of Donate the biſhop, and ſoone after the conqueſt it hath bene much beautifi|ed by Robert Fitz Stephens & Strangbowe the erle of Penbroke, who with his ſonne is in the body of the church entumbed. The cha|pell that ſtandeth in the chore, commonly cal|led the new chappell, was builded by Girald fitz Thomas, erle of Kildare, in the yeare of our Lord 1510. where he is entumbled.

  • S. Patrikes churche,

    Compare 1587 edition: 1 a cathedrall churche, endued with notable liuings, and diuers farre benefices. It hath a chappell at the north dore which is called ye paroch church. This church was founded by the famous and worthy pre|late Iohn Commyn, about the yeare of [...]r Lord.The con| [...]rſie [...]twene Chriſt- [...]urch and [...] Patriks [...]rch. 1197. This foundation was greatly ad|uaunced by yt liberalitie of king Iohn. There hath riſen a greate contention betwixt thys churche and Chriſtes churche for antiquitie, wherein doubtleſſe S. Patricke hys churche ought to giue, place, vnleſſe they haue further matter to ſhew, and better reaſons to builde vpon, then their foundations, in whiche this churche by many yeares is inferiour to the other.

  • S. Nicholas.
  • S. Michael.
  • S. Verberoſſe, or S. Varburge,

    Compare 1587 edition: 1 ſo called of a Cheſſhire Virgin. The citizens of Cheſter founded this church, with two chappels there|to annexed, the one called our Ladies chapel, the other S. Martines chappel. Hir feaſt is kepte the third of February. This churche, wyth a great parte of the Citie was burnt in the yeare 1301. but agayne by the parochians reedified.

  • S. Iohn the Euangeliſt.
  • S. Audoen, which is corruptly called ſaint Ouen, or Owen.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1 His feaſt is ſolemniſed the xxiiij. of Auguſt. The paroche of this churche is accounted the beſt in Dubline, for that the greater number of the Aldermẽ and the wor|ſhippes of the Citie are demurraunt within that paroche.

  • Fitzſy|mons.S. Tuliock, now prophaned.

    In this church in olde tyme, the familie of the Fitzſymons was, for the more part, buried. The paroche was meared from the Crane caſtle, to the fiſhambles, called the cockehil with Preſton hys Innes, and the lane thereto adioyning, which ſcope is now vnited to S. Iohn hys paroche.

  • S. Katherine.
  • S. Michan, or Mighanne.
  • S. Iames his fayre.S. Iames:

    his feaſt is celebrated the xxv. of Iuly, on which day in ancient time was there a worthy fayre kept at Dubline, continuing ſixe dayes, vnto which reſorted diuers mer|chantes as wel frõ England, as frõ France, & Flaunders. And they afourded their wares ſo doggecheape, in reſpect of the Citie mer|chantes, that the countrey was yere by yere ſufficiently ſtored by eſtrangers, and the ci|tie merchants not vttering their wares, but to ſuch as had not redy chinckes, and therup|pon forced to run on yt ſcore, were very much empoueriſhed: wherefore partly thorough the canuaſſing of the towne merchantes, & part|ly by the wincking of the reſt of the Citizens beyng wan vpon many gay glõſed promiſes, by playing heepéepe to heare themſelues o|uerly in the matter, that famous marte was ſuppreſt, and all forreyne ſale wholy abando|ned. Yet for a memoriall of this notable faire a fewe cottages, bouthes, and alepoles, are yerely pitcht at S. Iames his gate.

  • S. Michael of Poules, alias, Paules.
  • S. Brigide.
  • S. Keuyn.
  • S. Peter de monte, or on the hil, appendant to S. Patrikes church.
  • S. Stephen.

    This was exected for an hoſpi|tall, for poore, lame, & impotent lazers, where they abide to this day, although not in ſuche chaſte and ſincere wiſe, as the founders wyll was vpon the erection thereof. The Maior with his brethren on S. Stephen his daye (which is one of their ſtation daies) repaireth thither, and there doth offer

  • S. Andrew, now prophaned.

The names of the gates of the citie, and ſuburbes of Dublin.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • BOth the gates nere the white friers.
  • S. Keuen his gate.
  • Hogs gate.
  • Dammes gate.
  • Poule gate, aliâs Paules gate.
  • Newgate, a gaole or priſon.
  • Winetaberne gate.
  • S. Audoen his gate,

    hard by the church go|yng downe towardes the cockeſtréete. The reaſon why this gate, and the wynde taberne gate were builded, procéeded of this. In the yeare 1315. Edward Bruiſe a Scot, and bro|ther to Robert Bruiſe king of Scottes arri|ued in the north of Ireland. From whence he marched on forward with his army, vntil he came as farre as Caſtleknock. The citizens of Dubline being ſore amazed at the ſodayne & Scarborough approche of ſo puiſſaunt an enemy, burned all the houſes in S. Thomas his ſtréete, leſt he ſhould vpon his repayre to Dubline haue any ſuccour in the ſuburbes.

    EEBO page image 584The Mayor (named, Robert Notingham) and communaltie being in this diſtreſſe ra|zed down an Abbay of the Fryer preachers, called S. Saluiour his Monaſtery, & brought the ſtones thereof to theſe places, where the the gates now ſtande, and all along that way dyd caſt a Wall for the better fortifying of the ciuitie, miſtruſting that the Walles that went along both the keyes, ſhoulde not haue béene of ſufficient force to outholde the ene|mie. The Scottes hauing intelligence of the fortifying of Dublyne, and reckening it a fo|lye to laye ſiege to ſo impregnable a ciuitie, marched towarde a place not far from Du|blyne, called the Salmon leape, where pyt|ching there tentes for foure dayes, they re|mooued towardes the Naas. But when the ciuitie was paſt this danger, king Edwarde the ſeconde gaue ſtraight commaundement to the citizens ſo builde the Abbey they raſed, ſaying that although lawes were ſquatted in warre, yet notwithſtanding they ought to be reuiued in peace.

  • Gurmund his gate,

    harde by the cuculle, or Coockolds poſt. Some ſuppoſe, that one Gur|mundus buylded this gate, and therof to take the name. Others iudge, that the Iriſhe aſ|ſaulting the ciuitie, were diſcomfited by the Earle of Ormonde, then by good hap ſoiour|ning at Dublyne. And bycauſe he iſſued out at that gate, to the ende the valiaunt exployte and famous conqueſt of ſo woorthy a Poten|tate ſhoulde be engrayled in parpetuall me|morie, the gate bare the name of Ormonde his gate.

  • The Bridge gate.
  • S. Nicholas his gate.
  • S. Patricke hys gate.
  • Bungan hys gate.
  • The Newſtreate gate.
  • S. Thomas his gate.
  • S. Iames his gate.

The names of the ſtreetes, bridges, lanes and other notorious places in Dublyne.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1 2
  • THe Dammes ſtréete.
  • The Caſtle ſtréete, ſtretching to the Pyllorie.
  • S. Verberoſſes ſtréete.
  • S. Iohn his ſtréete, aliâs fiſheſhamble ſtréete.
  • The Skinner rew retching from the Pyllo|rie, to the Tolehall, or to the high Croſſe.
  • The high ſtreete, bearing to the hygh Pype.

    Iohn De|cer.This Pipe was buylded in the yeare 1308. by a woorthie Citizen, named Iohn Decer, being then Mayor of Dublyne. He buylded not long before that tyme the bridge harde by S. Woolſtans, that retcheth ouer the Lyffie.

  • The Newgate ſtréete, from the Newgate to S. Audoen his Church.
  • S. Nicholas his ſtréete.
  • The Wyne taberne ſtréete.
  • The Cookeſtréete.
  • The Bridge ſtréete. This ſtréete wyth the greater parte of the keye was burnt in the yeare 1304.
  • The Woodkey. The Merchant key.
  • Oſtmantowne,

    ſo called of certayne Eaſter|lings or Normans, properly the Danes that were called Oſtmanni.Oſtma [...] They planted thẽſel|ues harde by the waterſide néerè Dublyne, & diſcõfited at Clontarfe in a ſkyrmiſhe diuers of the Iriſhe.1050 The names of the Iriſhe Capi|taynes ſlayne, were, Bryanne Borrough, Miagh mack Bryen, Lady Okelly, Dolyne Ahertegan; Gylle Barramede, Theſe were Iriſhe Potentates, and before their diſcom|fiture they ruled ye roſte. They were interred at Kilmaynanne ouer againſt ye great croſſe. There arriued a freſh ſupply of Eaſterlings at Dublyne in the yeare 1095.1095. & ſetled them|ſelues on the other ſide of the ciuitie, which of them to this day is called. Oſtmantowne,Oſtman|towne, why ſo called. that is, the towne of the Oſtmannes, wherof there aryſeth great likelyhoode to haue béene a ſeparate towne from the Citie, being par|ted from Dublyne by the Liffye, as South|warcke is ſeuered frõ London by Thameſſe.

  • S. Thomas his ſtréete.

    This ſtréete was burnt by miſhappe in the yeare 1343.

  • The New buyldinges.
  • The New ſtréete.
  • S. Fraunces his ſtréete.
  • The Kowme.
  • S. Patricke his ſtréete.
  • The backeſide of S. Sepulchres.
  • S. Keauen his ſtréete.
  • The Poule, or Paulemyll ſtréete.
  • S. Brigides ſtréete.
  • The ſhéepe ſtréete, aliâs, the ſhippe ſtréete.

    For diuers are of opinion, that the ſea had paſſage that way, and thereof to be called the Ship ſtréete. Thys as it ſéemeth not wholy impoſſible, conſidering that the ſea floweth & ebbeth harde by it, ſo it caryeth a more cou|lour of truth with it, bycauſe there haue bene founde there certayne yron ringes faſtened to the towne Wall, to holde & graple boates withall.

  • S. Verberoſſes lane,The lanes vp to ſ. Nicholas his ſtréete, now encloſed.
  • S. Michaell his lane, beginning at S. Mi|chael his pype.
  • Chriſtchurch lane.
  • S. Iohn his lane.
  • Ram lane, aliâs, the ſchoolehouſe lane.
  • S. Audoen his lane.
  • EEBO page image 12Keaſers lane.

    This lane is ſtéepe and ſlip|perie, in which otherwhyles, they that make more haſte, then good ſpéede, clincke there bummes to the ſtones. And therefore the ru|der ſorte, whether it be through corruption of ſpeache, or for that they gyue it a nickename, commonly terme it, not ſo homely, as truely, kiſſe arſe lane.

  • Rochell lane, aliâs backlane, on the ſouth|ſide of the fleſheſhambles.
  • The Cookeſtréete lane.
  • Frapper lane.
  • Giglottes hyll.
  • Mary lane.
  • S. Tullock his lane.
  • Scarlet lane, aliâs, Iſoudes lane.
  • S. Pulchers lane.
  • S. Kenyn his lane.
  • The whyte Friers lane.
  • S. Stephane his lane.
  • Hogges lane.
  • The ſea lane.
  • S. George his lane,

    where in olde tyme were buylded diuers olde and auncient mo|numentes. And as an enſearcher of antiqui|ties may by the view, there to be taken, con|iecture, the better parte of the ſuburbes of Dublyne ſhould ſéeme to haue ſtretched that way. But the inhabitantes being dayly and hourely moleſted and preded by their prou|ling Mountaine neighbours, were forced to ſuffer their buyldinges fall in decay and em|bayed themſelues within the citie Walles.The olde Eſcacar.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Among other monuments, there is a place in that lane called now Collets Innes, which in olde tyme was the Eſcacar, or exchequer. Which ſhoulde imply that the Princes court woulde not haue beene kept there, vnleſſe the place had béene taken to be cockſure. But in fine it fell out contrarie. For the Baron ſit|ting there ſolemlye, and as it ſéemed, retch|leſly: the Iriſhe eſpying the oportunitie, ru|ſhed into the court in plumpes, where ſurpri|ſing the vnweaponed multitude, they cõmit|ted horrible ſlaughters, by ſparing none that came vnder their dynte: and withall, as far as their ſcarborrough leaſure coulde ſerue them, they ranſacke the Prince his theſaure, vpon which miſhappe the exchequer was frõ thẽce remooued.S. George his chappel There hath béene alſo in that lane, a chappell dedicated to S. George, like|lye to haue béene founded by ſome woorthye knight of the Garter. The Mayor with hys brethren was accuſtomed with great tri|umphe and pageantes yearely on S. George his feaſt to repayre to that chappell, and there to offer. This chappell hath béene of late ra|zed, and the ſtones thereof by the conſent of the aſſembly turned a common Ouen, con|uerting the auncient monumẽt of a doughty, aduenturous, and holy knight, to the coale|rake ſwéeping of a pufloafe baker.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • The great Bridge, going to Oſtmantowne.The brid|ges.
  • S. Nicholas his bridge.
  • The Poule gate bridge, repayred by Ni|cholas Stamhurſt about the yéere 1544.1544.
  • The Caſtle bridge.
  • S. Iames his bridge.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Caſtle of Dublyne,The ca|ſtell. was buylded by Henry Loundres (ſometyme Archebiſhop of Dublyne, and L. Iuſtice of Irelande) aboute the yeare of our Lorde 1220.1220. This caſtle hath beſide the gatehouſe foure goodly and ſubſtã|tiall towers, of which one of them is named Bermingham his tower,Berming|ham his towre, whether it were that one of the Berminghames dyd enlarge the buylding thereof, or elſe that he was long in dureſſe in that tower.1566. This Caſtle hath béene of late much beautified wyth ſundrye & gorgious buildinges in the tyme of Sir Hen|ry Sydney, as nowe, ſo then, L. Deputie of Irelande. In the commendacion of which buyldings an eſpeciall welwiller of his Lord|ſhippe penned theſe verſes, enſuing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Geſta libri referunt multorum clara Virorum,
Laudis & in chartis ſtigmata fixa manent.
Verùm Sidnaei laudes haec ſaxa loquuntur,
Nec iacet in ſolis gloria tanta libris.
Si libri pereant, homines remanere valebunt,
Si pereant homines, ligna manere queunt.
Ligna ſi pereant, non ergo ſaxa peribunt,
Saxa ſi pereant tempore, tempus erit.
Si pereat tempus, minimè conſumitur aeuum,
Quod cum principio, ſed ſine fine manet.
Dum libri florent, homines dũ viuere poſſunt,
Dum quo cum lignis ſaxa manero valent,
Dum remanet tẽpus, dũ deni permanet aeuũ,
Laus tua, Sidnaei, digna perire nequit.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There ſtandeth néere the caſtle, ouer againſt a voyde rowme, called Preſton his Innes, a tower, named, Iſoudes tower.Iſowdes towre. It tooke the name of La Beale Iſoude, daughter to An|guiſhe, king of Irelande. It ſéemeth to haue béene a Caſtle of pleaſure for the kinges to recreat thẽſelues therin. Which was notvn|like, conſidering that a meaner tower might ſerue ſuch ſingle ſoale kinges, as were at thoſe dayes in Irelande. There is a village harde by Dublynne,Chappell Iſoude. called of the ſayde La Beale, Chappell Iſoude.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 S. Pulchers, the Archbiſhop of Dublin hys houſe, as well pleaſantly cited,S. Se|pulchers. as gorgeouſly builded. Some hold opinion, that the beauti|fuller part of this houſe was of ſet purpoſe fi|red by an Archbiſhop, to the ende the Gouer|nors (which for the more part lay ther) ſhould not haue ſo good likyng to the houſe: Not far diſagréeyng frõ the pollicy, that I heard a no|ble EEBO page image 585 man tell, he vſed, who hauing a ſurpaſſing good horſe, and ſuch one as ouerran in a ſet race other choyſe horſes, did bobtayle him vpon his returne to the ſtable, left any of his friends caſting a fantaſie to the beaſt, ſhould craue him. The noble man beyng ſo bounti|fully giuen, as that of liberalitie he could not and of diſcretion he would ſéeme to giue hys friend the repulſe in a more weighty requeſt then that were.

The names of the fieldes adioyning to Dubline.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • SAint Stephens gréene.
  • Hoggyng gréene.
  • The Steyne.
  • Oſtmantowne gréene.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the further ende of this field is there a hole, commonly termed Scald brothers hole, a Laberinth reachyng two large myles vnder the earth.Scald brother. This hole was in olde tyme frequented by a notorious théefe named ſcalde brother, wherin he would hyde all the bag and baggage he could pilfer. The varlet was ſo ſwifte on foote, as he hath eftſoones outrun the ſwifteſt and luſtrieſt yong men in all Oſtmantowne, maugre theyr heds, bearing a potte or a panne of theyrs on his ſhoulders, to his den. And now and then, in deriſion of ſuch as purſued hym, he would take hys courſe vnder the gallowes, which ſtandeth very nigh hys caue (a fitte ſigne for ſuch an Inne) and ſo beyng ſhrowded within his lodge, he reckened himſelf cockſure, none beyng found at that tyme ſo hardy as would aduenture to entangle himſelfe within ſo in|tricate a maze. But as the pitcher that goeth often to the water, commeth at length home brokẽ: ſo this luſty youth would not ſurceaſe from open catchyng, forcible ſnatchyng, and priuy prowling, to time he was by certain ga|ping groomes that laye in wayte for him, in|tercepted,Scald brother ex|ecuted. fléeing toward his couch, hauyng vpon his apprehenſion no more wrong done hym, then that he was not ſooner hanged on that gallowes, through which in his youth & iollitie he was woont to run. There ſtandeth in Oſtmantowne gréene, an hillocke, named little Iohn hys ſhot.Little Iohn. The occaſion procéeded of this.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 1189.In the yere 1189. there ranged thrée robbers and outlawes in England, among which Ro|bert hoode and little Iohn were chiefetaines, of all théefes doubtleſſe the moſt courteous. Robert hoode beyng betrayed at a Noonry in Scotland,Robert hoode. called Bricklies, the remnaunt of the crue was ſcattered, and euery man for|ced to ſhift for himſelfe. Wherupõ little Iohn was fayne to flie the realme, by ſayling into Ireland, where he ſoiourned for a few dayes at Dubline. The citizens beyng done to vn|derſtand, the wanderyng outcaſt to be an ex|cellent archer, requeſted hym hartily to trie how far he could ſhoote at randone. Who yel|dyng to their beheſt, ſtoode on the bridge of Dublin, and ſhotte to that mole hill, leauyng behynde him a monument, rather by his po|ſteritie to be woondered, then poſſibly by any man liuyng to be counterſcored. But as the repayre of ſo notorious a champion, to any countrey, would ſoone be publiſhed, ſo his a|bode could not be long concealed: and there|fore, to eſchew the daunger of lawes, he fled into Scotland, where he dyed at a towne or Village called Morany. Gerardus Mercator, Little Iohn de|ceaſed. in his Coſmographye affirmeth, that in the ſame towne the bones of an huge and mighty man are kept, which was called little Iohn, amõg which bones, ye huckle bone or hipbone was of ſuch largeneſſe, as witneſſeth Hector Boethius, yt he thruſt his arme through ye hole therof. And the ſame bone beyng ſuted to the other partes of his body, did argue the man to haue bene 14. foote long, which was a pre|ty length for a little Iohn. Whereby appea|reth, that he was called little Iohn ironically lyke as we terme him an honeſt man, whom we take for a Knaue in grayne.The king his land. Nere vnto the citie of Dubline are the foure auncient Manours annexed to the crowne, which are named to this day, the kinges lande: to wit, Newcaſtle, Taſſaggard, Eſchyre, & Crum|lyn.Crumlyn. The manour of Crumlyn payeth a grea|ter chiefe rent to the prince, then any of the other thrée, which procéeded of this. The Se|neſchall beyng offended with the tenants for their miſdemeanor toke them vp very ſharp|ly in the court, and with rough and minatory ſpeaches began to menace thẽ. The lobbiſhe and deſperate clobberiouſneſſe, takyng the matter in dudgeon, made no more wordes, but knockt their Seneſchald on the coſtard, & left hym there ſprawling on the grounde for dead. For which deteſtable murder their rent was enhaunced, and they pay at this day ix. pence an acre, which is double to any of the other thrée manours.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Waterford was founded by Sitaracus,waterford. as is aforeſayd in the yere 155. Manapia. Ptolome nameth it Manapia, but why he appropriateth ye name to this citye, neither doth he declare, nor I geſſe. This city is properly builded, and very well compacte, ſomewhat cloſe by reaſon of their thicke buildinges and narrowe ſtréetes. The hauen is paſſing good, by which the citi|zens through the entercourſe of forreine tra|phike in ſhort ſpace attayne to aboundaunce of welth. The ſoyle about it is not all of the EEBO page image 13 beſt, by reaſon of which the ayre is not very ſubtill, yet natheleſſe the ſharpneſſe of theyr wittes ſéemeth to be nothyng rebated or duld by reaſon of the groſeneſſe of the ayre. For in good ſooth the towneſmen, and namely ye ſtu|dentes are pregnant in conceiuing, quicke in takyng, and ſure in kepyng. The citizens are very héedy and wary in all their publique af|fairs, flow in determining matters of weight, louing to loke ere they leape. In choſing their magiſtrate, they reſpect not onely his riches, but alſo they weigh his experience. And ther|fore they elect for their Maior neyther a riche man that is young, nor an olde man that is poore. They are cherefull in the entertayne|ment of ſtraungers, hartye one to an other, nothing giuen to factions. They loue no idle benche whiſtlers, nor luſkiſhe faytoures, for yong and old are wholy addicted to thriuing, the men commonly to traffike, the women to ſpinnyng and carding. As they diſtill the beſt Aqua vitae, ſo they ſpin the choyſeſt rugge in Ireland. A friend of myne beyng of late de|murrant in London, and the weather by rea|ſon of an hard hoare froſte beyng ſomewhat nippyng, repayred to Paris garden, clad in one of theſe Waterford rugs. The maſtiefes had no ſooner eſpyed him, but déeming he had bene a Beare, would fayne haue bayted him. And were it not that the dogs were partely moozeled, and partly chayned, he doubted not, but that he ſhould haue bene well tugd in hys Iriſhe rugge, wherupon he ſolemnly vowed, neuer to ſée Bearebayting in any ſuch wéed. The city of Waterford hath continued to the crowne of Englande ſo loyall, that it is not found regiſtred ſince the cõqueſt to haue bene diſteyned with the ſmalleſt ſpot, or duſked wt the leaſt freckle of treaſon, notwithſtandyng the ſundry aſſaults of trayterous attemptes, and therfore the cities armes are deckt with this golden worde,The poeſie of water|ford. Intacta manet, a poeſie as well to be hartily followed, as greatly admi|red of all true and loyall townes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Limme|ricke.Limmericke, called in Latine Limmericũ, was builded by Yuorus, as is before mentio|ned, about the yere 155. This citie coaſteth on the ſea hard vpon the riuer Sennan,Sennan the riuer of Limmericke. wherby are moſt notably ſeuered Mounſter and Con|naght: the Iriſh name this city Loumneagh, and thereof in Engliſhe it is named Limme|rick.Limme|ricke, why is called. The town is planted in an Iſland, which plot, in olde tyme, before the buildyng of the citie, was ſtored with graſſe. During which tyme it happened, that one of the Iriſhe po|tentates rayſing warre againſt an other of his pieres encamped in that Iſle, hauyng ſo great a troupe of horſmen, as the horſes eate vp the graſſe in xxiiij. howers: wherupon for the notorious number of horſes, the place is called Loum ne augh, that is, the horſe bare, or a place made bare or eaten vp by horſes. The very maine ſea is thrée ſcore myles di|ſtaunt from the towne, and yet the riuer is ſo nauigable, as a ſhip of 200. tunne, may ſayle to the key of the city. The riuer is termed in Iriſhe, Shaune amne, that is, the olde riuer: for ſhaune is olde, and amne is a riuer, dedu|cted of the latine worde amnis. The buildyng of Limmericke is ſumptuous and ſubſtan|tiall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Corcke in Latine, Coratium, or Corratium, Corcke. the fourth citie of Irelande, happily planted on the ſea. Their hauen is an hauen royall. On the landſide they are encombred with e|uill neighboures, the Iriſhe outlawes, that they are fayne to watch their gates howerly, to kepe them ſhut at ſeruice times, at meales from ſunne to ſunne, nor ſuffer any eſtraun|ger to enter the citie with his weapon, but ye ſame to leaue at a lodge appointed. They walke out at ſeaſons for recreation wt power of men furniſhed. They truſt not the coun|trey adioining, but match in wedlock among themſelues only, ſo that the whole city is wel nigh lincked one to the other in affinitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Drogheda,Drogheda. accounted the beſt towne in Ireland, and truely not far behynde ſome of their cities. The one moyetie of this towne is in Méeth, the other planted on the further ſide of the water lieth in Vlſter. There runneth a blynde propheſie on this towne, that Roſſe was, Dubline is, Drogheda ſhall be the beſt of the thrée.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Roſſe, an hauen towne in Mounſter not far from Waterford,Roſſe. which ſéemeth to haue ben in aunciẽt tyme a town of great port. Wher|of ſondry and probable coniectures are giuẽ, as well by the olde ditches that are nowe a myle diſtaunt from the walles of Roſſe, be|twene which walles and ditches, the reliques of the aunciẽt walles, gates and towers pla|ced betwene both are yet to be ſéene. The towne is builded in a barren ſoyle, and plan|ted among a crew of naughty and prowlyng neighbours. And in olde tyme when it flouri|ſhed, albeit the towne were ſufficiently peo|pled, yet as long as it was not cõpaſſed with walles, they were formed with watche and warde, to kéepe it from the gréedy ſnatchyng of the Iriſhe enemies. With whome as they were generally moleſted, ſo the priuate cooſe|nyng of one peaſaunt on a ſodayne, incenſed them to inuiron their towne with ſtrong and ſubſtantiall walles. There repayred one of the Iriſhe to this towne on horſebacke, and eſpying a piece of cloth on a merchants ſtall, tooke holde thereof, and bet the clothe to the EEBO page image 586 loweſt pryce he could. As the Merchaunt and he ſtoode dodging one wyth the other in chea|ping the ware, the horſman conſidering that he was well mounted, and that the merchant and he had growen to a pryce, made wyſe as though he woulde haue drawen to his purſe, to haue defrayed the money. The cloth in the meane whyle being tuckte vp and placed be|fore him, he gaue the ſpurre to his horſe and ranne away with the cloth being not imbard from his poſting paſe, by reaſon the towne was not percloſed eyther wyth ditch or wall. The townes men being pincht at the heart, that one raſcall in ſuch ſcornefull wyſe ſhould giue them the ſlampame, not ſo much weigh|ing the ſclenderneſſe of the loſſe, as the ſham|fulneſſe of the foyle, they put their heades to|gither, conſulting how to preuent eyther the ſodaine ruſhing, or the poſt haſt flying of any ſuch aduenterous rakehell hereafter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In which conſultation a famous Dido, a chaſte wydowe, a politicke dame, a bounti|full gentlewoman,Roſe, of Roſſe. called Roſe, who repre|ſenting in ſinceritie of lyfe the ſwéetneſſe of that herbe, whoſe name ſhe bare, vnfolded the deuiſe, howe any ſuch future miſchaunce ſhoulde be preuented, and withall opened hir coffers liberally, to haue it furthered: Two good properties in a counſaylour. Hir deuiſe was, that the towne ſhoulde incontinently be incloſed with walles, and there wythall promiſed to diſcharge the charges, ſo that they would not ſticke to finde out labourers. The deuiſe of this woorthie Matrone being wyſe, and the offer liberall, the townes men agréed to follow the one, and to put their hel|ping handes to the atchieuing of the other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The worke was begunne, which through the multitude of handes ſéemed light. For the whole towne was aſſembled, tagge & ragge, cutte and long tayle: none exempted but ſuch as were bedred & impotent. Some were taſ|ked to deine, others appointed wt mattockes to digge, diuers allotted to the vnheaping of rubbiſhe, many beſtowed to the caryage of ſtones, ſundry occupyed in tẽpering of mor|ter, the better ſorte buſied in ouerſéeing the workemen, eche one according to hys voca|tion employed, as though the ciuitie of Car|thage were a freſhe in buylding, as it is feat|lye verified by the golden Poet Virgil, and neately Engliſhed by M. Doctour Phaer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
The Moores with courage went to worke
ſome vnder burdens grones:
Some at the walles and towers with handes
were tumbling vp the ſtones.
Some meaſured out a place to buylde
their manſion houſe within:
Some lawes and officers to make
in Parliment dyd begin.
An other an hauen had caſt,
and deepe they trenche the grounde,
Some other for the games and playes
a ſtately place had founde.
And pyllers great they cut for kings,
to garniſh forth their walles.
And lyke as Bees among the flowers,
when freſh the ſommer falles,
In ſhine of ſunne apply their worke,
when growne is vp their yong:
Or when their hiues they ginne to stoppe,
and hony ſweete is ſprong,
That all their caues and cellers cloſe
with dulcet liquour filles,
Some doth outlade, ſome other bringes
the ſtuffe with ready willes.
Sometime they ioyne, and all at once
doe from their mangers fet
The ſlouthfull drones, that woulde conſume,
and nought woulde doe, to get.
The worke it heates, the hony ſmelles
of flowers and time ywet.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 But to returne from Dido of Carthage, to Roſe of Roſſe, and hir worke, the laboures were ſo many, the worke, by reaſon of round and exchequer payment, ſo well applyed, the quary of fayre marble ſo néere at hand. (For they affirme, that out of the trenches and dit|ches hard by their rampyers, the ſtones were had, and all that plot is ſo ſtony that the foũ|dation is an harde rocke) that theſe Walles with diuers braue turrettes were ſodainly mounted, and in maner ſooner finiſhed, then to the Iriſhe enemies notified. Which y|wiſſe was no ſmall coriſie to them. Theſe walles in circuit are equall to Londõ walles. It hath thrée gorgious gates, Biſhoppe his gate, on the Eaſt ſide: Allegate, on the Eaſt ſoutheaſt ſide: And South gate, on the ſouth parte. This towne was no more famouſed for theſe walles, then for a notable woodden bridge that ſtretched from the towne to the otherſide of the water, which muſt haue béene by reaſonable ſuruey xij. ſcore, if not more. Diuers of the poales, logges & ſtakes, with which the bridge was vnderpropt, ſticke to this daye in the water. A man woulde here ſuppoſe, that ſo flooriſhing a towne, ſo firmely buylded, ſo ſubſtantially walled, ſo well peo|pled, ſo plenteouſly with thryftie artificers ſtored, woulde not haue fallen to any ſodaine decay.Roſſe de|cayed. But as the ſecret & déepe iudgements of God are veiled within the couerture of his diuine Maieſtie, ſo it ſtandeth not with the dulneſſe of man his wit, to beate his braynes in the curious enſearching of hidden miſte|ries. EEBO page image 14 Wherefore I, as an hyſtorian vnderta|king in this Treatiſe, rather plainely to de|clare, what was done, then raſhly to inquyre, why it ſhoulde be done: purpoſe, by God his aſſiſtaunce, to accompliſh, as néere as I can, my duetie in the one, leauing the other to the friuolous deciding of buſie heads. This Roſe, who was the ſoundreſſe of theſe former re|hearſed walles, had iſſue thrée ſonnes, (how|beit ſome holde opinion, that they were but hir Nephewes &: who beyng bolſtered out through the wealth of their mother, and ſup|ported by their trafficke, made diuers proſpe|rous voyages into forraine countreys. But as one of the thrée chapmen was imployed in his trafficke abroade, ſo the prettie popelet his wyfe began to be a freſhe decupying gig|lofte at home, and by report fell ſo farre ac|quainted wyth a religious cloyſterer of the towne, as that he gate wythin the lyning of hyr ſmocke. Bothe the partyes wal|lowing ouerlong in the ſtincking puddle of a [...]terit, ſuſpicion beganne to créepe in ſome townes mens braines, and to be briefe, it came ſo farre, through the iuſt iudgement of God, to light, whether it were, that ſhe was with childe in hir huſbande his abſence, or that hir louer vſed hir fondly in open pre|ſence, as the preſumption was not onely ve|hement, but alſo the fact too too apparent. Hir vnfortunat huſband had not ſooner notice gy|uen him vpon his returne of theſe ſorowfull newes, then his fingers began to nibble, hys téeth to grinne, hys eyes to trickle, his eares to dindle, his heade to dezell, in ſomuch as his heart being ſkeared wyth ialouſie,The panges of ialou|ſie. & his wits enſtalde through Phreneſie, he became as madde, as a marche hare. But howe heauily ſoeuer hir huſbande tooke it, Dame Roſe and all hir friendes (which were in effect all the townes men, for that ſhe was their common benefactreſſe) were galde at their hearts, aſ|well to heare of the enormyous aduoutrie, as to ſée the bedlem panges of brainſicke ialou|ſie. Wherevpon diuers of the townes menne grunting and grudging at the matter, ſayde that the fact was horrible, and that it were a déede of charitie vtterly to grubbe away ſuch wilde ſhrubbes from the towne: and if thys were in any diſpuniſhable wyſe rakte vp in the aſhes, they ſhoulde not ſooner trauerſe the ſeas, then ſome other woulde enkendle the like fire a freſhe, and ſo conſequently diſ|honeſt their wyfes, and make their huſbands to become changelinges, as being turnde frõ ſober moode to be hornewood, becauſe rutting wyues make often rammiſhe huſbandes, as our prouerbe doeth inferre. Others ſoothing their fellowes in theſe mutynies turned the priuate iniurie to a publicke quarell, and a number of the townes men conſpiring togy|ther flockt in the dead of the nyght, well ap|pointed, to the Abbeye, wherein the feyer was cloyſtered (the monument of which Ab|baye is yet to be ſéene at Roſſe on the South ſyde) where vnderſparring the gates,The fryers murthe|red. and bearing vp the dormitorie doore, they ſtab|bed the adulterer with the reaſt of the couent through wyth their weapons. Where they left them goaring in their bloude, roaring in their cabannes, and gaſping vp their flitting goaſtes in their couches. The vproare was great, and they to whom the ſlaughter before hande was not imparted, were woonderfully thereat aſtonyed. But in eſpeciall the rem|nant of the cleargy, bare very hollow hearts to the townes men, and howe friendly theyr outward countenances were, yet they would not with inwarde thought forget, nor forgiue ſo horrible a murder, but were fully reſolued, whenſoeuer oportunitie ſerued them, to ſit in their ſkirtes, by making thẽ ſoulfe as ſorow|full a kyrie. Theſe thrée brethren not long af|ter this bloudy exployte ſpedde thẽ into ſome outlandiſh countrey to continue their trade, The religious men being done to vnderſtãd, as it ſéemed, by ſome of their neighbours, which foreſayled them homeward, that theſe thrée brethren were ready to be imbarckt, ſlunckt priuily out of the towne, and reſorted to the mouth of the hauen, néere a caſtle,Hulck tower. na|med Hulck tower, which is a notable marck for Pilottes, in directing them, which way to ſterne their ſhips, and to eſchew the daunger of the craggy rockes there on euery ſide of the ſhore peaking. Some iudge, that the ſaid Roſe was foundreſſe of this tower, and of purpoſe dyd buylde it for the ſaftie of hir chil|drẽ, but at length it turned to their bane. For theſe reuengers nightly dyd not miſſe to laye a lanterne on the toppes of the rockes, that were on the other ſide of the water. Which practiſe was not long by thẽ continued, when theſe thrée paſſengers bearing ſayle with a luſty gale of winde made right vpon the lan|terne, not doubting, but it had bene the Hulck tower. But they tooke theyr marke ſo farre amiſſe, as they were not ware, to tyme theyr ſhip was daſht and paſht agaynſt the rockes, & all the paſſengers ouerwhyrled in the ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This heauy hap was not ſo ſorrowfull to the townes men, as it was gladſome to the reli|gious, thincking that they had in part cryed them acquittaunce, the more that they, which were drowned, were the Archebrochers of their brethrens bloude. Howbeit they would not crye hoa here, but ſent in poſte ſome of their couent to Rome, where they inhaunced EEBO page image 587 the ſlaughter of the fraternitie ſo haynouſly, & concealed their owne pranckes ſo couertly, as the Pope excõmenged the towne, ye towne accurſed the Friers: ſo that there was ſuche curſing and banning of all handes, and ſuch diſcentious hurly burly rayſed betwéene thẽ|ſelfes, as the eſtate of that flouriſhing towne was tourned arſye verſye, topſide thother|way, & from abundaunce of proſperitie quite exchanged to extréeme penurye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The pre|ſent eſtate of Roſſe.The walles ſtand to this day, a few ſtréets & houſes in the towne, no ſmall parcell there|of is turned to Orchardes and Gardeines. The greater part of the towne is ſtéepe and ſteaming vpwarde. Theyr church is called Chriſtchurche, in the northſide whereof is placed a monument called the king of Den|marke hys tumbe, whereby coniecture maye ryſe, that the Danes were the founders of that church.New roſſe old Roſſe. This Roſſe is called Roſſe noua, or Roſſe ponti, by reaſon of theyr brydge. That which they call olde Roſſe, beareth eaſt thrée myles from thys Roſſe, into the coun|trye of Weiſforde, an auncient manour of the Earle of Kyldares.Roſſe I|barcan. There is the thyrde Roſſe on the otherſyde of the water, called Roſſe Ibarcanne, ſo named, for that it ſtan|deth in the coũtrey of Kylkenny, which is de|uyded into thrée partes, into Ibarcanne, Ida and Idouth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Weiſforde.Weiſford, an hauen towne not farre from Roſſe. I finde no great matters therof recor|ded, but only that it is to be had in great price of all the Engliſhe poſteritie planted in Ire|land, as a towne that was the firſt foſtreſſe & harboreſſe of the Engliſh conquerors.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 KylkenmeKilkenny, the beſt vplandiſh towne, or, as they terme it, ye propreſt dry towne in Irelãd. It is parted into the high towne, & the Iriſhe towne. The Iriſh towne claymeth a corpora|tion apart from the high town, wherby great factiõs growe daily betwene the inhabitants. True it is, that the Iriſh towne is the aunci|enter, and was called the olde Kilkenny, be|yng vnder the biſhop his becke, as they are, or ought to be at this preſent. The high town was builded by the Engliſhe after the con|queſt, and had a parcell of the Iriſhe towne therto vnited, by the biſhop his graunt, made vnto the founders vpon their earneſt requeſt. In the yere 1400. 1400. Robert Talbot a worthy gentleman,Robert Talbot. encloſed with walles the better part of this towne, by which it was greatly fortified. This gentleman deceaſed in ye yeare 1415. In this towne in the chore of the Frier preachers,William Marſhall. William Marſhal Erle Marſhal and Erle of Penbroke was buried, who de|parted this lyfe in the yere 1231. Richard bro|ther to William, to whome the inheritaunce deſcended, within thrée yeres after deceaſed at Kilkenny beyng wounded to death in a field giuen in the heath of Kyldare, in the yere 1234. the xv. of Aprill,1234. & was entumbed wyth hys brother, according to the olde epitaph.

Compare 1587 edition: 1
Hic comes eſt poſitus Richard vulnere foſſus.
Cuius ſub foſſa Kilkenia continet oſſa.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This town hath thre churches, S.The chur|ches of Kylkenny. Kennies church, our Ladies churche, aliâs S. Maries church, and S. Patrikes church, with the ab|bey of S. Iohn. S. Kennies churche is theyr chiefe and cathedrall church, a worthy foun|dation as well for gorgeous buildinges, as for notable liuyngs.The Grã|mer ſchoole. In the Weſt ende of the churchyard of late haue bene founded a Grã|mer ſchoole by the right honourable. Pierce or Peter Butler Erle of Ormond and Oſſo|ry,Pierce Butler. Margarete Fitz Gi|rald. and by his wife the counteſſe of Ormond, the lady Margarete fitz Girald, ſiſter to Gi|rald fitz Girald the Erle of Kyldare that laſt was. Out of which ſchoole haue ſprouted ſuch proper ympes through the painefull diligẽce, and the labourſame induſtry of a famous let|tered man M. Peter White (ſometyme fel|low of Oriall colledge in Oxford,Peter whyte. and ſchoole-maiſter in Kilkenny) as generally the whole weale publike of Ireland, and eſpecially the ſoutherne partes of that Iſland are greatly therby furthered. This gentlemans methode in trayning vp youth, was rare and ſinguler, framyng the education according to the ſcho|lers vaine. If he found him free, he would bri|dle hym like a wyſe Ilocrates frõ his booke: if he perceiued hym to be dull, he would ſpur hym forwarde: if he vnderſtoode that he were ye woorſe for beating, he woulde win him with rewardes: finally, by interlacing ſtudy wyth recreation, ſorrow with mirth, payne with pleaſure, ſowerneſſe with ſwéeteneſſe, rough|neſſe with myldeneſſe, he had ſo good ſucceſſe in ſchooling his pupils, as in good ſooth I may boldly byde by it, that in the realme of Irelãd was no Grãmer ſchoole ſo good, in Englande I am well aſſured, none better. And becauſe it was my happy happe (God & my parentes be thanked) to haue bene one of his crewe, I take it to ſtand with my duety, ſith I may not ſtretch myne habilitie in requiting hys good turnes, yet to manifeſt my goodwill in remẽ|bryng his paines. And certes, I acknowledge my ſelfe ſo much bound and beholding to him and his, as for his ſake, I reuerence the mea|neſt ſtone cemented in the walles of that fa|mous ſchoole. This town is named Kilkenny of an holy and learned Abbot called Kanicus,

Kylkenny why ſo cal|led.

The lyfe of Kanicus.

borne in the countie of Kilkenny, or (as it is in ſome bookes recorded) in Connaght. This prelate beyng in his suckling yeres fostered, through EEBO page image 15 through the prouidence of God, with the milk of a cow, and baptized and bishopped by one Luracus, thereto by Gods especiall appoyntment, deputed, grew in tracte of tyme to such deuotion and learnyng, as he was reputed of all men, to be as well a mirrour of the one, as a paragon of the other: whereof he gaue sufficient coniecture in hys minoritie. For beyng turned to the keepyng of sheepe, and hys fellow shepeheards, wholy yelding themselues like luskish vagabonds to slouth and sluggishnesse, yet would he still finde himselfe occupied in framing with Osiars and twigs, little woodden churches, and in fashioning the furnitures thereto appertaining. Beyng stepte further in yeares, he made his repayre into England, where cloystering himselfe in an abbey, wherof one named Doctus, was abbot, he was wholy wedded to his booke and to deuotion: wherein he continued so painefull and diligent, as being on a certaine time penning a serious matter, and hauing not fully drawn the fourth vocall, the abbey bell tingde to assemble the couent to some spirituall exercise. To which he so hastened, as he left the letter in semicirclewyse vnfinished, vntill he returned back to his booke. Soone after being promoted to the ecclesiasticall orders, he trauailed by the consent of his fellowmonkes to Rome, and in Italy he gaue such manifest proofe of his pietie, to this daye in some partes therof he is highly renownned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thomas-towne. Thomas fitz An|tonie.Thomas towne, a proper town builded in the countie of Kilkenny, by one Thomas fitz Antony in Engliſh man. The Ie [...] thereof name it Bally macke Andan: that is, ye town of fitz Antony. This gentleman had iſſue two daughters, the one of them was eſ [...]ed to Denne, the other maried to Archdeacon, or Macked [...], whoſe heyres haue at this day the towne betweene them in cooparcenary. But bicauſe the reader may ſée in what part of the countrey the cities & chiefe townes ſtand, I take not farre amiſſe to place them in order as enſueth.

The names of the chiefe townes in Vlſter.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Drogheda.
  • Carregfergus.
  • Downe.
  • Armach.
  • Arglaſh.
  • Cloagher.
  • Muneighan.
  • Doonn [...]gaule.
  • Karreg mack Roſſe.
  • Newry.
  • Carlingford.
  • Ardy.
  • Doondalke.
  • Louth.

The names of the chiefe townes in Leinſter.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Dublin.
  • Balrudey.
  • L [...]e.
  • Swordes.
  • Taſh [...]ggard.
  • Ly [...].
  • Newcaſtle.
  • R [...]mle.
  • Oughter arde.
  • Naas.
  • Clane.
  • Maynooth.
  • Kylcocke.
  • Rathayangan.
  • Kyldare.
  • Luianne.
  • Caſtletowne.
  • Philli [...] towne.
  • Mary [...]c [...]gh.
  • Kylcullen.
  • Caſtle marten.
  • Thyſtleder [...].
  • Kyles.
  • Ath [...].
  • Catherlangh.
  • [...]helen.
  • [...]ouranne.
  • T [...]s [...]ne.
  • Encſtyocle.
  • Caſhelle.
  • C [...]llan [...]e.
  • Kylkenny.
  • Knocktofer.
  • Roſſe.
  • Clonmelle.
  • Weiſeforth.
  • Fernes.
  • Fydderd.
  • Eneſcorty.
  • Tathmon.
  • Wyckloe.
  • Ackloa.

The names of the chiefe townes in Mounſter.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • VVaterford.
  • Liſmore.
  • Doongaman.
  • Yoghill.
  • Corcke.
  • Lymmerick.
  • Kylmallock.

The names of the chiefe townes in Connaght.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Aloane.
  • Galuoy.
  • Anry.
  • Louaghryagh.
  • Clare.
  • Toame.
  • Sligagh.
  • Roſſecomman.
  • Arctlowne.

The names of the chiefe townes in Meeth.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Trymme.
  • Doonſhaghlenne.
  • Rathlouth.
  • Nauanne.
  • Abooy.
  • Scryne.
  • Taraugh.
  • Kemles.
  • Doonboyne.
  • Greenock.
  • Duleeke.

The names of the townes in Weſtmeeth.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Molingare.
  • Fowre.
  • Loughfeude.
  • Kylkenyweſt.
  • Moylagagh.
  • Deluynne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the xxxiiij.1542. yeare of the reigne of King Henry the eight, it was enacted in a parlia|ment, holden at Deſ [...]ye [...]re before. Syr [...]|thou [...]e Setitleger knight, Lorde deputie of EEBO page image 588 Irelande, that Méeth ſhoulde be deuided and made two ſhyres, one of them to bée cal|led the countie of Méeth, the other to be cal|led the county of Weſt méeth, and that there ſhoulde be two ſhayeles and offycers conue|nyent within the ſame ſhyres, as is mo [...] ex|preſt in the acte.

The names of the chiefe hauen townes in Irelande.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Loughfoyle.
  • The Banne.
  • Wolderfrith.
  • Craregfergus.
  • Strangforde.
  • Ardglas.
  • Lougheuen.
  • Carlingforde.
  • Kylkeale.
  • Dundalk.
  • Kylclogher.
  • Dunnany.
  • Drogheda.
  • Houlepatrick.
  • Nany.
  • Baltray.
  • Brymore.
  • Balbriggen.
  • Roggers towne.
  • Skerriſh.
  • Ruſhe.
  • Malahyde.
  • Banledooyle.
  • Houth.
  • Dublynne.
  • Dalkee.
  • Wickincloa.
  • Arckloa.
  • Weisford.
  • Bagganbun.
  • The Paſſage.
  • Waterforde.
  • Dungaruan.
  • Roſſe noua.
  • Youghylle.
  • Corck mabegge.
  • Corck.
  • Kynſale.
  • Kyerye.
  • Roſſe Ilbere.
  • Dorrye.
  • Baltynymore.
  • Downenere.
  • Downeſheade.
  • Downelounge.
  • Attannanne.
  • Craghanne.
  • Downen [...]bwyne.
  • Balyneskilyliodge.
  • Daugyne [...]houſe.
  • Traly.
  • Senynne.
  • Caſſanne.
  • Kylnewyne.
  • Lymmetick.
  • Innyskartee.
  • Belalenne.
  • Arynenewyne.
  • Glanemaughe.
  • Ballyweyham.
  • Bynwarre.
  • Dowrys.
  • Woran.
  • Roskam.
  • Galway.
  • Kyllynylly.
  • Innesboſynne.
  • Owran Moare.
  • Kylcolken.
  • Burske.
  • Belleclare.
  • Ratheſilbene.
  • Byerweiſowre.
  • Buraueis hare.
  • Ardne makow.
  • Rosbare.
  • Kilgolynne.
  • Wallalele.
  • Rabranne.
  • Strone.
  • Burweis now.
  • Zaltra.
  • Kalbalye.
  • Ardnock.
  • Adrowſe.
  • Sligaghe.
  • Innes Bowſenne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Camb. lib. 1. Top. diſt. 2. rub. 3. & 4. Cambriense obserued in his time, that when the sea doth ebbe at Dublyne, it ebbeth also at Bristow, and floweth at Mylford & Weisford. At Wyckloa the sea ebbeth when in all other partes it commonly floweth. Furthermore this he noted, that the ryuer, which ru(n)neth by Wyckloa, vpon a lowe ebbe is salte, but in Arckloa, the next hauen towne, the ryuer is freshe when the sea is at full. He wryteth also, that not farre from Arckloa standeth a rocke, and when the sea ebbeth in one side of thereof, it floweth in the other side as fast. Cambriense ensearcheth dyuers Philosophicall reasons in finding out the cause, by obseruing the course of the Moone, who is the empresse of moysture. But those subtilties I leaue for the schoole streetes.

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