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Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 517The firſt day of this Parliament the King was conueyed thither, the Crowne, Scopter, & ſword being borne before him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When he had taken his place, he vttered cer|taine ſpeech as had bin taughte hym, touching the aſſembling of that Parliament, which mat|ter the Regent more at large declared vnto the whole houſe: and this done, they proceeded fur|ther to other affayres, concerning the ſtate of the common wealth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer in this Parliament, the Duke of Chatellerault with his two ſonnes, the Abbot of Arbroth, and Claude Hamilton, the Earle of Huntley,The Duke of [...]ll [...]a [...]le [...]ed. the Laird of Grange, and ſundry o|thers were forfalted.

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