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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Vpon the fiftenth of Iune, they came forthe of the Towne, and approched their aduerſaries, but there was Monſieur La Croque, the french Kings Ambaſſadors, who tooke greate paine in trauelling betwixte the parties to reduce them to ſome agreemente, but ſtill the Queenes part beganne to decreaſe, dyuers ſhrinking away from hir, ſo that after it beganne to growe to|wardes the euening, Bothwell fledde to the Caſtell of Dunbar, but the Queene deſirous to talke with the Larde of Grange, wente to hym, accompanyed only with one Captaine,The Queene commeth to the Lords. and after ſome talke wyth hym, ſhee paſſe to the Lordes, who tooke hir with them to Eden|burgh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Hamiltons were on the way com|myng to aſſiſt the Queene, wyth ſeauen or eyghte hunnred Horſemenne, but before they coulde reache to the place, the Queene was in the handes of the Lordes, and ſo they retur|ned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Larde of Cragmiller, then prouoſt of Edenburgh, and Sir Iames Balfour, alſo the Captaine of the Caſtell, were ioyned in this cõfederacie with the Lordes, as ſhortly af|ter it appeared. The Queene after this, was EEBO page image 505 conueyed ouer the Forth and brought to Loch|leuen,The queene [...] to Lochleuen. where ſhe was appoynted to remayne in warde vnder the ſaue keepyng of Williã Dow|glas Lard of that place. The Erle Bothwell eſcapyng to Dunba [...] founde meanes to flee in|to Denmarke, where he was ſtayed and com|mitted to pryſon wherein at length he died. Diuers perſons afterwardes were apprehended as parties to the murder of the King, and there|vpon condemned, were executed, confeſſing the ſayd Earle to be the principall executour of the ſame murder.

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