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And in the morning beeing Wedneſday, there came to them the Earle of Mar, who hadde the Prince in his keeping within the Ca|ſtell of Striueling, but bycauſe the Earle of Glencarne, the Lordes Lindſey, Ruthuen and Simple, the Maiſter of Grahame and others, came not to the place at the preciſe appoynted houre, they miſſed their purpoſe to take the Queene and Bothwell at Borthwike, as they had deuiſed,The Lordes diſappoynted of theyr pur|poſe. and ſo the Queene and Bothwell aduertiſed, of their aſſemble, ſlipte away to the Caſtell of Dunbar.

The Lordes heerevppon came the ſame Wedneſday vnto Edenburgh, and within two dayes after, the Earle of Atholl alſo came vn|to them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Queene in the meane time vſed what diligence ſhee mighte to gather forces,The Queene gathereth forces. ſpecially in the Mers and Eaſt Louthian, and thinking that the enterpriſe of the Lords had bin broken and diſappoynted, marched from Dunbar on Saterday the fourteenth of Iune, firſt to Ha|thington, and there reſting till the euen ſet for|warde to Gladiſmore, and taking there deliue|ration in the matter, they lodged that nyghte at Scaton, and in the morning marched in or|der of battaile towardes Carbarry hill,Carbarry hill. and there chooſe foorthe a plotte of ground of greate aduantage, appoynting to fyghte on foote, by|cauſe the power of the Lordes in number of Horſemenne, was ſtronger than the Queenes, and of greater experience.

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