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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Bothwell murthered the King.The Earle of Bothwell was euen at the firſt vehemẽtly ſuſpected to be ye principall offẽ|dor in this moſt hainous & deteſtable murther, but the matter was ſo handled, that he was not only acquite by an aſſiſe, as they call it, but al|ſo ſhortely after married the Queene, by reaſon whereof, the ſuſpition which mẽ had alreadye conceyued that ſhee ſhoulde be alſo priuie to the murder, was nothyng diminiſhed. But as I haue not to deale in that matter, ſo yet it is ma|nifeſt, that ſome of the Scottiſhe nobilitie ſore repinyng and malignyng at ſuche the ſpeedye aduauncement of Bothwell (who as euery mã perſwaded hymſelfe,The Lords get them to armes. was the principall author of the murther) gote them to armes on the ſud|dayne, before the Queene or Bothwell were aduertiſed of their meaning, they being then at Borthwike Caſtell, eyght myles diſtante from Edenburgh.

The chiefe mouers of the quarrell a|gainſt the Q and Bothwell.The deuiſers and procurers of this enter|priſe were knowen to bee the Lardes of Tali|bardin and Grange, who moued it firſte to the Earle of Morton, then remayning in Dow|glas: William Mai [...]lãd the yong Lard of Le|thington, principall Secretary to the Queene, beeing departed from hir eyghte dayes before had alſo procured the Lord Hume to ioine with the other in that quarrell.

Liberton Kirke.The place of their meeting was appoyn|ted at Liberton Kirk, two myles from E|denburgh, on Tewſday in the night the tenthe of Iune, whyther the Earle of Morton came firſt, the Lord Hume next.

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