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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after this, the Duke of Chatellere|ault,Duke Chatel| [...]ault ta| [...]h part with [...]he reformers [...] the Chur| [...]. partly through perſwaſion of the Earle of Arguile his ſiſters ſonne, and the Weſt lande Lordes, and partly bycauſe he vnderſtoode that his ſonne the Earle of Arrane was fled forth of Fraunce to Geneua for the Religion, hee tooke parte with the Lordes from that time forthe a|gainſt the aduice of the Biſhop of Sainte An|drewes, and diuers other his friends.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare in Iune, Henrye the Kyng of France,King Henry [...] hurted and dyed. at the trumph of the mariages betwixt the King of Spaine and his daughter, and the Duke of Sauoy and his ſiſter, was wounded in Iuſtes at the Tourneillis in Paris by the Counte Montgomerie, and dyed of the hurtes the tenth of Iuly nexte enſuing, beeing the ele|uenth day after he was wounded. Then Fran|cis his ſonne, that hadde married the Queene of Scotland, [...]ancis the [...]phin ſuc|ceeded his fa| [...]er. was crowned King at Sainte De|nis, and annoynted at Reymes in September following.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herewith the Duke of Chatellereaulte, and the Lordes of the congregation, ſent to the Queene, beſieching hir to leaue off from ma|king of forts within the Realme, but ſhe would not graunt ſo to doe: wherefore they aſſembled their whole forces in Edenburgh, and beſieged the Towne of Leith in October,Leith beſie|ged. the Queene and Frenchmenne, with the Biſhops of Sainte Andrewes, Glaſquo, Dunfreys, the Lorde of Seton, and diuers other Scottiſhmen beeyng within it, but the Frenchmẽ of war iſſued forth of Leith, and the mette neere to the Abbey of Holy Roode houſe, with the Scottiſhe Lordes and their company,The Scottiſh| [...]ne are [...]quiſhed. where many Scottiſhmẽ were ſlayne, and the reſt chaſed into Edenburgh: the Frenchmen alſo following them to the gates of Edenburgh, hadde entred, if thoſe within the Caſtell had not ſhot off the artillerie at them, to ſtay the ſlaughter and purſute.

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