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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after he returned into Fraunce with the Galleys,Monſieur de Thermes ſuc|ceedeth in his place. and Monſieur de Thermes ſuccee|ded in his place for the generall conduct of the French army in Scotland. Who by the aduiſe of the gouernour and other of the Scottiſh lords determined with a ſiege volant to keepe the En|gliſhmen in Hadington from vitayles and all other reliefe. Firſt therefore after that Deſſe was departed towardes Fraunce, Monſieur de Thermes with his Frenchmẽ and ſome Scots encamped at Abirladie, [...]re buylte Aberlady. where they beganne the fundation of a forte, ſo to impeach the Engliſh|men from ſetting a lande any victuals, there to be conueyed from thence to Hadington as be|fore they had done.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In this meane tyme the Engliſhmen had increaſed theyr nũbers of Almaignes and other ſtraungers, and not onely furniſhed their fortes with new ſupplies of men, but alſo had an army in the fieldes whiche lay moſt an ende at Dun|glas, and one while beſieged Hume caſtell, but after they ſawe themſelues diſappoynted of the meane, wherby they ſuppoſed to haue recouered it, they reyſed from thence and ſpoyled the moſt parte of Tiuidale and other the Marches there|about, in reuenge as they alledged, of the diſloy|altie and breache of promiſe proued in the aſſu|red Scottes. Generall of this army was the Erle of Rutland,Erle of Rutland. Lieutenant at that preſent of the North partes, a noble man right valiaunt, wiſe, well aduiſed, and ſtayed in his dealings, very honorable & courteous in al his demeanor. He was accompanied with Capitaynes of good eſtimatiõ and approued prowes, as ſir Richard Maners, ſir Frauncis Leake, ſir Iohn Sanage, ſir Thomas Holcroft, ſir Oſwald Wulſtroppe and others. He ſo behaued himſelfe in that daungerous time of the vprores and rebellious commotions of the commõs, through the more parte of the realme of Englande, that although the appoynted forces agaynſt Scotlande were ſtayed, and turned to the ſuppreſſion of the re|belles, to the encouragement no doubte bothe of Scottes and Frenchmen in Scotland, yet they were ſo fronted and kept in awe by that army vnder the ſayde Erle of Ruthland, that they ra|ther loſt than gayned in this ſeaſon at the En|gliſhmens handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At one tyme the ſame army vnder the con|duct of the ſayde Erle, paſſing forth with a con|uoy of vitayles vnto Hadington, came ſo ſud|denly vpon the Frenchmen where they lay in campe, that whether through defaulte of theyr ſkowtes or other negligence vſed by them, or through the great diligence and prouident fore|wardneſſe ſhewed by the Engliſhmẽ,The French|men in danger to haue bene diſtreſsed. the Frẽch men were in ſuche hazarde to haue bene vtterly diſtreſſed, that if the Engliſhmen had not doub|ted more than by many was thought needefull, they might haue ouerthrowen, taken and ſlaine the Frenchmen, as was ſuppoſed at theyr plea|ſure. But the Engliſhmen at theyr firſt com|ming in ſight of them (as it ſtoode with the rea|ſon of warre, ſith by aduenturyng raſhly often|times in ſuch caſes to late repentance eaſily en|ſueth) ſtayed, the better to cõceyue of that which they had to do: whereby the Frenchmenne had leaſure to marche their wayes a mayne pace, till they were got out of daunger: for after they ones beheld the troupes of the Engliſh horſemẽ almoſt at their elbowes, and herewith the bat|tayle of the Almaignes ſuddenly appearyng on the hill toppe ready to come downe vpon them;The French|men retire. it was no neede to bidde them packe away.

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