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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Many other cruell partes the Scottes ſee|med to ſhewe againſt other Engliſhmen taken here at Ferniberſt: but they excuſed the mater by the euill dealyngs of the Engliſhmen to thẽ wardes before that time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Monſieur de Deſſe returnyng to Iedworth ayded by the furtherance & counſell of the Scots ceaſſed not in occaſions of aduantage to attẽpt newe enterpryſes agaynſt the Engliſhmen, as time and oportunitie ſerued,The caſtel of Cornewall wonne. and among other exploytes the caſtell of Cornewall an old houſe buylte after the auncient maner of fortifiyng was taken by the Frenchmen, and ſpoyled of al things worth the bearyng away.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo Capitayne Cobios a Frenchman ha|uing a bande of fiftie light horſemen Scottes ſeruyng vnder him,Capitaine Co|bios. one night had a fayre hande againſt a number of Engliſh horſemen, whom he charged ſo on the ſudden, as he ſaw them out of order, that he eaſily diſcomfited them, & tooke mo pryſoners (whom he brought to Iedworth) than he had perſons in his company to aſſayle them.

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