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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeare next enſuing,


The Kyng of Englande de|ceaſed.

King Henry the eyght departed this life, after whome, ſucceeded his ſonne Edward, the ſyxt of that name King of England, France and Ireland.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, to witte, the laſt of Marche,The death of the Frenche K [...] Francis the Frenche King deceaſſed, and hys ſonne Henry, the ſecond of that name ſucceeded him, who at ye deſire of the gouernoure of Scot|land, appoynted Leone Strozzi Prior of Ca|poa, a Knight of the order of Malta, with a na|uie of ſixteene Galleys fraughte with menne of warre, and munition, to paſſe into Scotlande, to help to winne the Caſtell of S. Andrewes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Gouernour in the meane time with an army paſt to the Weſt bordures to beſiege the Caſtell of Laugham, the whiche was kepte at that preſente by Michaell Wharton, hauyng then with him but ſixteene Engliſhmenne, who neuertheleſſe abid three or foure dayes ſiege, and ſeauen Canon ſhottes, and ſo yeelded the houſe to the Gouernoure, and heereby was the peace broken, firſte by the Scottes, euen as the En|giſhmen could haue wiſhed.

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