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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The ſeuententh of Iuly, there was a greate aſſembly of the Lordes at Holirood houſe, at what time, there came a ſimple fellowe to looke vpon, ſeruaunte ſometime to the Earle of Len|nox, and in the middes of a greate companye of people in the Abbey cloſe,Sir Iames Ha|milton hurt by a deſperate perſon. ſtrake Sir Iames Ha|milton Knight right deſperately with a ſhorte prage or dagger in the bellie three ſeuerall ſtripes vp to the haft, and yet the ſame Sir Iames dy|ed not of thoſe hurtes. The man beeyng taken, ſtraight wayes confeſſed the deede withoute re|pentance, phy on the feoble hand quilke wald not doe that thing the hart thought, and was deter|minate to doe: & beeyng enquired what he was, and who cauſed him to doe the ſame, he aunſwe|red, that hee was an ſeruant of God, ſent by him to doe that deede: and albeit he was put to great torture and paines daily by ye ſpace of a moneth, yet would hee neuer giue other aunſwer, and ſo he was hanged, and hys head ſet ouer one of the gates of Edenburgh Towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...], there came out of Ger|many [...], Patrick [...], Abbot of Ferne, brother [...] to the Earle of Arrane, who hadde bin to [...]ler to Martin [...]uther, and other there.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys man beeyng con [...]ented and examined vpon certaine articles, a [...] of iuſtificacion, prede|ſtination of free will, and the ſuch like, contrarye to the obſtane taught by the Churche in the ſame,The Abbot of Ferne brent. bycauſe hee did affirme; and conſtantlye de|fende them, hee was declared an Here [...] and burned.

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