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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lard of Bouclough lighted alſo on foote, but bicauſe the moſt parte of his men were of the theeues and outlawes of the borders commonly called broken men, vppon their firſte approche to the ioyning with their ſpeares, they fledde, lea|uing the Larde of Boclough with a ſmal num|ber of his owne ſeruauntes aboute him in all the daunger yet they defended themſelues righte mã|fully, and ſlewe the Larde of Seſſeforde and di|uers other on the Earle of Angus his ſide,

The Lard of Seſſeforde ſlaine.

The Lard of Boclough put to flight.

but finallye, ouerpreſſed with multitude, they were put to flight, and foureſcore of Bocloughes men ſlaine in the chaſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the King re [...]ourned to Iedburgh, and remained there the ſpace of foure dayes, and then returned to Edenburgh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 All this while, the King was gouerned and holden againſt his will, by the Earle of Angus and his aſſiſters, although he did not outwardly ſhewe ſo in countenaunce, but diſſembled the matter as well as hee mighte, yet perceiuing two enterpriſes to haue quayled that hadde bene attempted for his deliueraunce, he thought to aſ|ſaye the thirde: and herevppon, procured the Earle of Lennox to aſſemble an armye wyth aſſiſtance of the Queene and hir frendes,The K. of Len+nox gathereth [...] povver. to helpe to deliuer him from the handes of his enemies. The Earle of Lennox did ſo, and came with ſuch power as he could raiſe frõ the Weſt partes vnto Linlithgew.

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