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Compare 1587 edition: 1 1526.The foure and twentith of Iulye, the King being accompanied with the Earle of Angus, ye Lorde Hume, the Karres and others, roade vnto Iedburgh, in purpoſe to haue reformed the miſ|goueraunce of ye borderers, but after that they had remained there three dayes with little obedience ſhewed towards them, they returned, and on the nine and twentith day of Iuly, at the Bridge of Melroſe,The Lard of Boclough his enterprice, to take the king from the Earle of Angus. the Lard of Boclough, accompanyed wt aboue a thouſand horſemen, began to ſhew him|ſelfe in ſighte, whoſe principall purpoſe was to haue taken the King from the Earle of Angus & his aſſiſtantes, being requeſted and commaunded by the King himſelfe ſo to do.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of Angus incontinently ſente an Herrauit vnto the Larde of Boclough, to know what his intention was to doe, who aunſwered, that he came to do the King honour and ſeruice, and to ſhewe his friends and power as the vſe is of the borderers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Angus wt the Lorde Hume, and the reſt, not being contente wyth thys aun|ſwere, bicauſe of the great feude betwixte hym and the Humes and the Karres, ſente vnto him a commaundemente in the Kings name to de|parte, and not to approche neere to the kinges preſence, vnder paine of high treaſon, wherevn|to he anſwered, that he knew the kings mind wel ynough, and would not ſpare for his commaun|demente to come to his graces preſence, whyche aunſwere receiued from him, incontinentlye the Earle of Angus, the Lords Fleming and Hume, the Karres, the Larde of Seſſeford, with theyr friendes, alighted on foote, the King remayning on horſebacke, accompanied with the Erle of Le|nox, the Lord Marwek, George Dowglas and Ninian Crechton. Tutor of Sanquh [...]r.

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