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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo Monſieur de la Mote landed in the weſt part of Scotlande,Prouiſion ſent out of France. the .xvj. of May, with foure ſhippes fraught with wine and flower, and retur|ned againe the .xix. of the ſame Moneth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Odonel profe|red friendſhip into K. Iames.The great Odonell of Ireland came to king Iames at Edenbourgh, the firſt of Iune, offring his friendſhip and ſeruice to him before all other Princes, and ſpecially agaynſt the king of Eng|land: whervpon he was thankfully receyued, ho|nourably enterteyned, and richly rewarded. And ſo the band of friendſhip being with him conclu|ded, he returned into his countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king prepared a great nauie of ſhippes, the principall whereof were the Michael, Margaret, and Iames. [...]ty ſent. They made ſayle towardes the ſea the .xxvij. of Iuly, and the king ſayled in the Mi|chaell himſelfe, till they were paſt the Ilande of May, Iames Gordon ſonne to George Earle of Hũtley being one of the captains of the ſame ſhip.

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