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Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this ſeaſon, the Larde of Drumweydy was ſlain in Edenbourgh by two perſons, which tooke ſanctuarie in holy Roode houſe, and ſo eſca|ped. Iohn Earle of Athole deceaſſed the .xix. of September, and Lion Harold king of Armes de|ceaſſed the firſt of October.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Great miſrule was exerciſed on the borders in this ſeaſon,Miſrule exer|ciſed. and therfore the king aſſembled the Lordes in Edenbourgh for reformation thereof,The Queene brought to bed of a child. & while they were there, the Queen was brought to bed of a childe, which dyed ſhortly after it was chriſtened.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There came a great ſhip into Scotland which the king of Fraunce had ſent vnto the king,The league renued with France. laden with artillerie, powder and wines, and then was the league and bande renued betwixt Scotlande and France. The ſame ſhippe landed at Black|neſſe the .xix. of Nouember.

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