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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king about the ſame time tooke order for the encreaſe of ſome number of ſhippes to bee had in his Realme,Prouiſion is made for ſhippes. and that euery hauen town ſhould build ſome aſwel for fiſhing, as to tranſport mar|chandiſe from place to place.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lordes and Barons, and ſuch other as woulde, were commaunded to helpe the Mar|chantes towarde the buylding of ſuche ſhippes: and for good enſample, the king cauſed to make certain ſhippes at his owne charges, which might vſe the trade of fiſhing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer,Prouiſion made for learning. the king conſidering the ignorance that was amongeſt the landed men of his realme when they ſhould paſſe vpon Inqueſts, he ordey|ned that euery landed man ſhoulde put his eldeſt ſonne to ſchole, that he might learne perfitely the lawes of the realme, & this vpon great forfeyture.

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