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Compare 1587 edition: 1 For his Counſell he choſe a certaine number of the Prelates, noble men, and barons of his realm, ſuch as were thought moſt meeteſt, taking thys order, that ſixe of them at the leaſt ſhoulde conti|nually remaine aboute him, by whoſe aduiſe hee ſhoulde do all things that touched the affayres of the Realme: and in caſe anye thing was done without their aduice, the ſame ſhoulde be adiud|ged voyde, and not to be obeyed, and this was in|violably kept all his dayes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Eſquier and Heralde were retur|ned againe into Scotland,1491 which had beene to vi|ſite ſtraunge Countreys, and made report of that they had ſeene, there was a Parliament holden, in which it was ordeined that the Biſhop of Glaſco, the Erle Bothwell, and others ſhould go as Am|baſſadours to ſue for the kings mariage in place where it ſhoulde be moſt expedient, and moſte to the kings lyking.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Great variance roſe betwixt the Archbiſhop of Saint Androwes, and the Biſhop of Glaſco,Two Archbi|ſhops ſtriue for the prehe|minence. touching the preheminence of theyr iuriſdiction, which drewe the noble men into factions, tyll the king commaunded the ſame to ceaſſe, and that they ſhould trie it by law afore competent iudges.

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