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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, he tooke order that all ſuch goodes as had beene taken from landed men and burgeſ|ſes, ſhould be reſtored to them againe, except that which was taken from ſuch landed men and bur|geſſes as were in the fielde agaynſt him, for that was deemed a lawfull pray.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was alſo iudged that the death of his father came vppon him through his owne default, and that king Iames the fourth then raigning, and al his adherents and partakers in that field were in|nocent and guiltleſſe of all ſlaughter made there at that time, and clearely acquit of al purſuit and occaſion thereof, the three eſtates graunting to giue their ſeales to teſtifie the ſame, with ye kings great ſeale of the realme to be ſhewed to the Pope, the kings of France, Spaine, Denmarke, and o|ther princes their confederates.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And for the ceaſſing of theft, reif, and ſuch o|ther great enormities, the king was appoynted to ryde in perſon once euerie yeare through all partes of the Realme. And certaine noble men were or|deyned to exerciſe iuſtice in euerie ſhire next ad|ioyning to the places where they had theyr chiefe reſidence: and herevnto they gaue their othes to be diligent in the adminiſtration of iuſtice.

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