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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King called a Parliamẽt at Edinburgh,A Parliament. which was holden the ſixt of October, where hee being moued of clemencie,A generall pardon. graunted a generall pardõ to al thoſe that came in field at Striueling wt his father againſt him, & appoynted euery one to haue ſpeciall pardons thervpõ vnder his ſeales.

[figure appears here on page 408]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He likewiſe diſpenſed with the heires of them that were ſlayne with his father there in field, ap|poynting thẽ their particuler diſpenſations vnder his ſeales, after the ſame manner. Further it was ordeyned, that all Iuſtices, Sherifes, Stewards, Baylifes, Lieuetenants, and other which had of|fices EEBO page image 409 in heritage, and had bene with his father at the fielde, ſhoulde bee ſuſpended from the ſame offices for the tearme of three yeares: and thoſe which had offices for life, or for tearme of yeares, ſhould be vtterly excluded from the ſame.

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