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The gouernor and Chancelor being thus a|greed, called a counſell of the nobles of the realme to be holden in Edenbourgh caſtell, to the which amongſt other came the Erle of Dowglas, and as they were ſet to dinner,1440 the meate was ſodenly remoued, and a Bulles head preſented to the Erle of Dowglas, which in thoſe dayes was a token of execution. And immediately therevpon the ſayde Earle with his brother Dauid,The Earle of Dowglas is beheaded. and Mal|colme Flemming of Cumernald, were beheaded before the caſtell gate.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the death of the ſayde Earle, the ſtate of the realme became more quiet, for his vncle Ia|mes Dowglas Baron of Abircorne that ſuccee|ded him, being a man of great ſtature, and verie fat, gaue himſelfe to quietneſſe, and liued but three yeares after. The foreſaid William had but one ſiſter, that was called the fayre mayden of Gallo|way, and was maried vnto one William Dow|glas, ſonne to this erle Iames before his deceaſſe, that the heritage ſhoulde not be deuided, bycauſe the Earledome of Dowglas was entayled vpon the heyres male, and the landes of Wigton, Bal|wanye, Annardale, and Ormont remayned to hir as heyre generall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Earle William, after the deceaſſe of his father Erle Iames, began to wax vnruly, and to followe the maners of the other William Earle Dowglas lately beheded (as before ye haue heard) ſo that by ſupport many diſobediẽt perſons wold not obey the gouernor & Chãcellor, whervpõ ſun|dry great ſlaughters & oppreſſions were cõmitted

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