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Compare 1587 edition: 1 If the landable temperancie vſed amongeſt the Scottiſhe men in olde time were well conſi|dered, nothing might appeare more contrary and repugnant thereto, than that new kinde of glut|tonie then vſed, by receyuing more exceſſe of meates and drinkes than ſuffiſeth to the nouriſh|ment of nature, through prouocatiõ of ſuch dain|tie and delicate diſhes, confectioned ſawces, and deuiſed potions, as were nowe brought in a|mongſt them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 As for ſuch gentlemẽ as the king had brought with him forth of England, they were worthie in deed to be cheriſhed and had in high fauour, ney|ther was this abuſe to be ſo greatly imputed vnto them, conſidering it was appropriate to their na|tion: but the Scottiſhmen themſelues were chief|ly to be blamed, that had ſo quickly yeelded to ſo great an inconuenience, the enormitie whereof appeared by the ſundrie vyces that followed of the ſame, as exceſſe, ſenſual luſt, ſlouth, reif,Vices follo|wing delicate fare. and wa|ſting of goodes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For if temperancie be the nouriſher of al ver|tue, then muſte the contrarie, that is to ſay in|temperancie, be the bringer forth and prouoker of all vice.

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