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Compare 1587 edition: 1 For the Duke of Alanſon enuying that the Scots ſhuld dayly riſe in honor within Fraunce, kept himſelfe backe, till time the Scottes were o|uerthrowen and brought to vtter deſtruction.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Againe, euen vpon the ioyning, ther roſe great ſtrife and contention betwixt the Conneſtable & the Duke of Tourayne, who ſhoulde haue the ſupreme rule of the Scottiſhe legher, the one diſ|dayning to giue place to the other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus yee may perceyue, how the Scots with loſſe of many of their liues, and much bloudſhed, ſupported the ſyde of Charles King of Fraunce, agaynſte the Engliſhmen. And though there came dayly newes of dyuers great ouerthrowes giuen by ye Engliſhmen vnto ſuch Scottiſhmen and other as ſerued the ſayde King Charles, yet did not the Scottes therefore ſtay at home, but at ſundry times, and vnder ſundry Captaynes re|payred into Fraunce: as amongſt other one Ro|bert Patillock of Dundee,Robert Paryl|lock Captaine of a power of Scottiſhmen ſente into Fraunce. with a newe power of Scottes, went ouer to King Charles the ſeuenth aforeſayde, ſhewing ſuche proofe of his ſingular manhoode and valiancie in thoſe warres, as in recouerie of the Realme of France out of ye Eng|liſhmens hands, his ſeruice ſtoode King Charles in notable ſteede.

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