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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Chiefely, his diligence and prowes well ap|peared in reducing the parties of Gaſcoigne vnto the Frenche ſubiection, whiche hadde remayned a great number of yeeres vnder the dominion of the Engliſh Kings.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And herevpon was he called by the inhabitãts euer after, Le petit roy de Gaſcoigne. Robert Patil|lock cleped Le Petit roy de Gaſcoigne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to returne to the buſineſſe of Scot|land as the ſame paſſed in this meane time,Archimbalde the third, Erle of Dowglas. here is to be noted, that after the ſlaughter of Archim|bald earle of Dowglas and Duke of Towrrain, his ſonne Archimbald the third of that name, ſuc|ceeded in the Earledome of Dowglas.

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