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Compare 1587 edition: 1 After long debating of the matter, and harde hold too and fro both with him and againſt him, it was in the end cõcluded, that he ſhould returne into Scotland,The Earle of March reſto|red home. and be receyued as a true Scot|tiſhman, but vnder this condition, that he ſhould forgoe his lands of Annerdale, and Lochmaben, which ſhould for euer remayne to the Dowglas, and to his heires.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 All his other landes and poſſeſſions, it was accorded, that he ſhoulde enioy as in his former righte and eſtate. And thus was the Earle of Marche pardoned of all paſſed offences com|mitted agaynſte the Crowne of Scotlande, EEBO page image 373 and receyued home, to the greate comfort of hys friendes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Rebellion [...]ued by Donald of the Iles.About the ſame time, there roſe greate trouble in Scotlande, by the Rebellion of Donald of the Iles, who clayming by ryght of his wife, a title to the Earledome of Ros, was defeated of the ſame, by practiſe of the gouernoure, hauyng by ſubtill conueyance, aſſured the ſayde Earledome vnto his ſecond ſonne the Earle of Buchquhane that hight Iohn.

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