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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time,Iedword Ca|ſtell taken. the Caſtell of Iedworth (whiche the Engliſhmen had helde euer ſith the battell of Durham) was taken by Tyuydale men, and raſed downe to the earth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Archembald Earle of Dowglas,The Earle of Dowglas is releaſed and returneth in|to Scotland. as yet re|mayning captiue in Englãd, after he had know|ledge of King Roberts death, made ſhift to agree for his raunſome, and ſo being ſet at libertie, re|turned with all ſpeede nowe at lengthe into Scotlande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, there was a councell called,A motion made for the reſtoring of the Earle of March to his countrey. wherein was a motion made for the reſtoring of George Earle of Marche to his countrey, lands, and bloud.

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