Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Dowglas at Shrewesburie field in ayd of the Percies.At this battell was alſo the Earle of Dow|glas, with a greate company of Scottiſhmen on the Percies ſide, for beeing taken priſoner at the battell of Hommyldoun (as before is ſayde) it was accorded betwixte hym and the ſayd Henry Hoteſpurre, that ayding hym and other his com|plices againſt King Henry, if it chaunced the ſaid Kyng Henry to be vanquiſhed and put from the Crowne, according to their intente and purpoſe, then ſhould the ſayd Earle Dowglas be releaſed of his raunſome, and haue the towne of Bar|wike rendred vnto hym in rewarde of hys ayde and aſſiſtaunce.