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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Wallace nowe ioyfull of this his proſperous ſucceſſe, and hearing that certaine of the chiefeſt capitaines and officers of thoſe Engliſhemen yt kepte the caſtell of Dunoter,Dunoter won by William Wallace. were gone foorth to conſulte with other Engliſhemen of the fortes nexte to them adioyning, came ſodeynly to the ſayd caſtel, and tooke it; not leauing a man aliue of all thoſe whiche he found as then within it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then after he had furniſhed that holde wyth his owne ſouldiors in meſte defenſible wiſe, hee went to Abyrden.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The towne he founde in maner voyde of all the inhabitants, but the caſtell was ſo ſtrongly garniſhed with men and munitiõ, that conſide|ring it might not be won without great murder, he reyſed from thence and returned into Angus.

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