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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Makbethes li|beralitie.Makbeth after the departure thus of Dun|canes ſonnes vſed great liberalitie towardes the nobles of the realme, thereby to winne their fa|uour, & when he ſaw that no mã went about to trouble him, he ſet his whole intention to main|tayne iuſtice,Makbeth ſtu|dieth to ad|uaũce iuſtice. and to puniſhe all enormities and abuſes, whiche had chaunced through the feeble and ſlouthfull adminiſtration of Duncane: and to bring his purpoſe the better to paſſe without any trouble or great buſineſſe,Makbeths policie. he deuiſed a ſubtill wile to bring al offenders and miſdoers vnto iu|ſtice, [figure appears here on page 245] ſoliciting ſundrie of his liege people with high rewardes, to chalenge and appeale ſuche as moſt oppreſſed the commons, to come at a day and place appointed, to fight ſinguler combates within Barriers, in triall of their accuſations.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When theſe theeues, barrettours, & other op|preſſours of the innocent people were come to darreigne batell in this maner of wiſe (as ſaid is) they were ſtreight wayes apprehended by armed men & truſſed vp in halters on gibets,Streight iu|ſtice. according as they had iuſtly deſerued. The reſidue of miſ|doers yt were left, were puniſhed & tamed in ſuch ſort, that many yeares after all theft & reiffings were litle heard of, the people enioying the bliſſe|full benefite of good peace and tranquillitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Makbeth ſhewing himſelfe thus a moſt dili|gent puniſher of all iniuries and wrongs at|tempted by any miſordered perſons within his realme, was accompted the ſure defence & buck|ler of innocent people: and hereto he alſo appli|ed his whole endeuour,A kingly en|deuour. to cauſe yong men to ex|erciſe themſelues in vertuous maners, and men of the Churche to attende their diuine ſeruice, according to theyr vocations.

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