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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Malcolme Cammore and Donald Bane the ſonnes of king Duncane,Malcolme Cammore, and Donald Bane, flee into Cum|berland. for feare of theyr liues (whiche they might well know yt Makbeth would ſeeke to bring to end for his more ſure cõ|firmatiõ in the aſtate) fled into Cũberlãd, where Malcolme remained til time that S. Edward ye ſonne of king Etheldred recouered the dominion of England from the Daniſh power, the whiche EEBO page image 245 Edward receyued Malcolme by way of moſte freendly entertaynement,Malcolme Cã|more receiued by Edward king of En|gland. but Donald paſſed o|uer into Ireland, where he was tenderly cheri|ſhed by the king of that lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Makbethes li|beralitie.Makbeth after the departure thus of Dun|canes ſonnes vſed great liberalitie towardes the nobles of the realme, thereby to winne their fa|uour, & when he ſaw that no mã went about to trouble him, he ſet his whole intention to main|tayne iuſtice,Makbeth ſtu|dieth to ad|uaũce iuſtice. and to puniſhe all enormities and abuſes, whiche had chaunced through the feeble and ſlouthfull adminiſtration of Duncane: and to bring his purpoſe the better to paſſe without any trouble or great buſineſſe,Makbeths policie. he deuiſed a ſubtill wile to bring al offenders and miſdoers vnto iu|ſtice, [figure appears here on page 245] ſoliciting ſundrie of his liege people with high rewardes, to chalenge and appeale ſuche as moſt oppreſſed the commons, to come at a day and place appointed, to fight ſinguler combates within Barriers, in triall of their accuſations.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When theſe theeues, barrettours, & other op|preſſours of the innocent people were come to darreigne batell in this maner of wiſe (as ſaid is) they were ſtreight wayes apprehended by armed men & truſſed vp in halters on gibets,Streight iu|ſtice. according as they had iuſtly deſerued. The reſidue of miſ|doers yt were left, were puniſhed & tamed in ſuch ſort, that many yeares after all theft & reiffings were litle heard of, the people enioying the bliſſe|full benefite of good peace and tranquillitie.

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