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Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length therefore communicating his pur|poſed intent with his truſtie frendes, amongſt whom Banquho was the chiefeſt, vpon confi|dence of theyr promiſed ayde,Makbeth ſle|eth king Dun|cane. he ſlewe the king at Enuernes, (or as ſome ſay at Botgoſuane,) in the .vj. yeare of his reygne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then hauing a companie about him of ſuch as he had made priuie to his enterpryce, he cau|ſed himſelfe to be proclaymed king,Makbeth vſur|peth the crowne. and foorth|with went vnto Scone, where by common con|ſent, he receyued the inueſture of the kingdome according to the accuſtomed maner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The bodie of Duncane was firſte conueyed vnto Elgyne, and there buried in kingly wiſe, but afterwardes it was remoued and conueyed vnto Colmekill,

Duncanes bu|riall.

1046. H.B.

and there layd in a ſepulture a|mongſt his predeceſſours in the yeare after the birth of our Sauiour .1040.

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