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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this ſeaſon were ſeene many wonders and ſtraunge ſightes in Albion.Straunge ſightes. On Chriſtmas day there was an earthquake, and a great rifte of the earth made therewith in the middeſt of Streuelyng towne, out of the which iſſued ſuch an abundant ſtreame of water, that it bare a|way the next wood that was adioyning vnto the ryuer of Forth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the ſommer the ſea roſe higher, and flow|ed further into the land, than euer had bene ſeene at any other time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On midſomer day whiche is the feaſt day of Saint Iohn Baptiſt, there was ſuche a vehe|ment froſte, that the corne and other fruytes of EEBO page image 239 the earth were blaſted and killed, ſo that there|vpon followed a great dearth in al the countrey.

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