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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 For the ſpace therfore of .xv. dayes togither, there was often ſkirmiſhing betwixt the parties, the which terme being expired, the Scots behol|ding ſo huge murder of theyr countreymen and frendes, with the ſpoile of the fieldes, and deſtru|ction of the townes and villages, brenning and blaſing on eche ſide before theyr faces, they come to king MalcolmeThe Scottiſh|mens requeſt, vnto their king, for li|cence to fight. & deſired him that he woulde graunt them licence to fight with theyr enimies, proteſting plainely, that if he would not conſent thereto, they woulde giue batayle at their owne choyce. Malcolme perceiuing ye ern [...]ſt mindes of his people to encounter their enimies in playne fielde, and that he might no longer protracte the time, he graunted theyr petition, and therewith beſechyng them to remember theyr honors and dueties:The onſet is giuen. incontinently the onſet was giuen with great hatred and malice on eyther parte, ſo that moſte egerly continuyng in fight a long time, they enforſed themſelues to rid eche other out of lyfe, ſo that all the nobles wel neare on both ſides were ſlayne, the name of victorie rather,The Scottes wan the name of victorie, rather than vi|ctorie it ſelfe. than the victorie it ſelfe remayning with the Scots, who were ſo feeble and fainte with long fight and ſlaughter, that in the end of the battell they were not able to purſue thoſe few of the Danes, which eſcaping with life fledde faintly out of the fielde. [figure appears here on page 236] And ſo for that night, which followed the day of this bloudie batayle, they lodged here and there in ſeuerall places, at aduenture aſwell as they might.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the morow after, when it was vnder|ſtoode on bothe parties, what loſſe they had ſu|ſtayned, their mindes were conuerted rather to peace than to renewe batayle, bicauſe they were not of power longer to maintaine it.Peace conclu|ded for want of power to maintayne ba|tayle. Whervpon by mediation of ſuch as tooke vpon them to treat a peace, the ſame was concluded with theſe ar|ticles.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Firſt that the Danes ſhoulde departe out of Murrayland, Buthquhan,The articles of the peace, betwixt Danes and Scottiſh|men. & all other the bounds of Scotland.

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