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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Elgarine yet chauncing to fall into his eni|mies handes was taken aliue:Elgarine ta|ken pryſoner. for ſo had Ed|mond commaunded, that if any man mighte take him, he ſhould in any caſe ſane his life, that he might put him to death in moſte reuell wife, to the enſample of other. After this and for the ſpace of three dayes after the battayle, Edmond EEBO page image 205 lay ſtill in the fieldes neare to the place where they fought: and then repayred vnto Yorke, where Elgarine for his treaſon was drawen in peeces with wilde horſes.Elgarine is drawen in peeces.

[figure appears here on page 205]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There chaunced alſo no notable trouble in Albion during the ſpace of foure yeares after this ſayde ouerthrow of the Danes with theyr Cap|taine Aualaſſus, who is otherwiſe alſo named Anlafe, as is to be ſeene in the Engliſh hiſtories where the ſame make mention of the foreſayde king Edmond, whom likewiſe they affirme to be the brother of Athelſtane and not his ſonne, as before is partely touched.King Indulph was diligent in his office. Indulph in this meane time did with greate diligence ſee to the good order of his realme, ſhewyng therein what belonged to the office of a woorthy prince. But euen as all things ſeemed to reſt in peace and quietneſſe through the whole Iſle of Albion, Hagon king of Norway,The kings of Denmarke & Norway, enter with an army into Scotland. and Helrike king of Denmarke, vpon purpoſe to reuenge the ſlaugh|ter of theyr countrey men lately made in Nor|thumberlande, came with a mightie nauie vnto the coaſtes of Scotland, aſſaying to lande with their whole armie, firſte in the Forth, then in the riuer of Tay, but yet through ſuch reſiſtaunce as the Scottes made,The enimies are put off. beyng aſſembled togither to keepe them off, they were fayne to withdrawe, & waſting alongſt the coaſtes of Angus, the Marnes, Mar, & Buthqhane, at length fayning as though they woulde haue taken their courſe homewardes, they launched foorth into the high ſeas, but within foure dayes after returning a|gaine to the ſhore, they lãded their people early in one morning vpon the coaſt of Boene,They lande in [...]ne. at a place called Cullane, a countrey ioyning vnto Buth|qhane, putting ſuche of the countrey people to flight as preſented themſelues to impeach their landing and inuaſion.

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