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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Indulph [figure appears here on page 204] BVt to my pur|poſe: after ye corps of Malcolme was once buried according to the cuſtome, amongſt his predeceſſours in the Ab|bey churche of Colme|kill, Indulphe prince of Cumberland was pla|ced in the marble cheare at Scone, there recey|uing the crowne and other the inueſtures of the kingdome. In the adminiſtration whereof he continued for the ſpace of fiue yeares without a|ny notable trouble, in the end of which terme, he was requyred by meſſengers ſent vnto him from Aualaſſus,Indulphe is prouoked by Aualaſſus, to warre agaynſt England. to ioyne with him in league agaynſt the Engliſhmen, in reuenge of that ouerthrow, whiche aſwell the Danes as Scottes had recey|ued at Broningfield, alledgyng that oportunitie was now offered,His perſuaſi|ons. ſith after the deceaſſe of Athel|ſtane the Engliſhmen had created Edmond to theyr king, a man of a dull witte, and not fitte for the adminiſtration of high affayres: neyther did the league concluded betwixt Athelſtane and Malcolme enforſe any impediment, but that he might enter the warre againſt the Engliſhmen, conſid [...]ring bothe thoſe Princes that were the Authours of that league were departed out of this lyfe, by whoſe deceaſſe the ſayde league was ended.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Indulph his anſwere.But Indulph for anſwere herevnto declared, that the league was concluded betwixt Mal|colme and Athelſtane, by great deliberation of aduice, and by conſent of all the eſtates of bothe realmes, taking theyr ſolemne othes for the true obſeruing thereof, ſo that he coulde not, onleſſe he ſhoulde violate that othe, attempt any thing to the breache of peace with the Engliſhmen, procuring the iuſte indignation of almightie God againſt him and his people in that behalfe. Herevpon the Danes accompting Indulph but a ſlouthfull and negligent perſon for this kinde of anſweare,The Danes not pleaſed with ſuch an anſwer procure warnes againſt Englãd as he that regarded not the honour of his realme and people, in letting paſſe ſo great oportunitie to be reuenged of the Engliſhmen for the death of ſuche Scottes as died in the o|uerthrow at Broningfield, determined not to be noted with the like ſpotte of reproche, but with all ſpeede ſending for ayde into Norway, prepa|red to paſſe ouer into England, vnder the con|duct of Aualaſſus,The Norway|gians come to the ayde of A|ualaſſus. Raynolde a valiant Cap|tayne. who ioyning his power with the Norwaygians whiche came to his ayde vn|der the leading of a right valiant Captayne cal|led Raynold, tranſported with all ſpeede ouer into Northumberlande, vnto whom the gouer|nour there named Elgarine, acknowledging himſelfe to be deſcended of the Daniſhe bloud,Elgarine yeel|ded the fortes vnto the Danes. yeelded all the Caſtels, Townes and Fortes, promiſing to ayde Aualaſſus againſt king Ed|mond to the vttermoſt of his power.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe newes comming to the knowledge of Edmond, with al ſpeede he gathereth his power, and ſending into Scotlande for ſuche ayde as he ought to haue from thence by couenaunts of the league,10000. ſouldi|ours ſent vnto king Edmond. there came vnto him ten thouſande Scottiſhmen with ready willes to ſerue him in theſe his warres agaynſt the Danes. Then ioyning his owne people with thoſe Scottiſh|men, he ſet forewarde towardes his enimies. There were an eyght thouſande Northumber|land men with Aualaſſus, the whiche vpon the firſte encounter with the Engliſhmenne, fell ſtreight vnto running away, whiche made an open and readie breache vnto the Engliſhe part, to attayne the victorie: for the Danes beyng not able to reſiſte the violent force of theyr eni|mies, encouraged nowe with the flight of the Northumbers, were quickely conſtreyned to giue backe, and in the ende to flee amayne, the Engliſhmen and Scottes following in the chaſe with ſuche fierceneſſe, that all ſuche as they o|uertooke died vpon the ſwoorde, though they ſub|mitted themſelues neuer ſo humbly in requiring mercie.

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