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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Oſbert beyng alſo admoniſhed with this miſfortune, thought good to attempt no more the furious rage of the water, but determined by lande to goe vnto Sterlyng, where he vnder|ſtoode he ſhould finde the Brytons, with whome hee might ioyne his power, and paſſe ouer the brydge there, and ſo inuade other of the Scot|tiſhe regions whiche lay there aboute: but at his comming thyther,Ambaſſadours ſew for peace. certaine Scottiſhe Ambaſſa|dours came vnto him to ſue for peace, whiche [figure appears here on page 184] they humbly requyred at his handes in name of the whole realme, beſeechyng him to conſider well the ſtate of the caſe as it ſtoode, and not to truſt to muche on bryttle fortune,Fortune is bryttle. the whiche ſheweth hyr ſelfe neuer ſtable, but common|ly vſeth to call backe againe hyr graunt of pro|ſperous ſucceſſe, where the receyuour hath not ſkill to vſe it moderately, and the vanquiſhed ſeemeth to haue bene ſufficiently corrected: EEBO page image 185 As for the Scottes, though it might appeare that their force was greatly abated, and that reſiſtance ſhould little auaile them, yet were they mynded to die in defence of their liberties, rather than to ſubmit themſelues vnto any conditions of vile ſeruitude. The wordes of theſe Ambaſſadors be|ing throughly weyed (though ſome tooke them in greate diſdaine) yet in the ende it was ſuppoſed that after victorie thus had agaynſt the enimies, honourable conditions of peace ought to be pre|ferred before doubtfull warre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Wherevpon anſwere was made to the Am|baſſadors,Peace graũted [...] condi|tions. that both the Engliſhe and Brytiſhe people with their kings were contented to haue peace with the Scottes, (though it lay in theyr handes, now to deſtroy the whole nation) if ſo be the Scottes woulde agree freely to reſigne aſwell to the Engliſh men as Brytaynes all ſuch lands and Countreys as they had nowe gotten into theyr poſſeſſions,Articles of peace propo|ſed. without any clayme or tytle to be made to the ſame from thenceforth, eyther by them or any of their poſteritie, ſo that the water of Forth on the Eaſt halfe, ſhoulde deuide the Scottiſhe dominions from the confines of the Engliſh men and Brytaynes,The Forth called the Scot+tiſhe ſea. and be called from that tyme euer after, the Scottiſhe ſea. On the weſt the water of Clyde ſhould deuide the Scot|tiſh landes from the Brytaynes, the Caſtel of Al [...]luth,Donbriton. It was called before Caer Arcl [...]yth, that is the Citie vpon Cluid as H. Lluyd holdeth ſtanding at the mouth of the ſame riuer, to remaine in the handes of the Brytaynes, from thenceforth to beare the name of Dunbreton, that is to ſay, the caſtell of the Brytaynes. And fur|thermore that if any of the Scottes ſhoulde at|tempt to paſſe the ſayd boundes into any of the Brytiſh or Engliſhe borders, hee ſhoulde die for that offence, and if by force of tempeſt it chaunced any of them to be driuen a lande on the South ſhore, within any of thoſe parties, they ſhoulde take nothing away with them but water or vy|tailes, and depart within three dayes, except ſome reaſonable cauſe of ſtay conſtrayned them to the contrarie. Moreouer, they ſhould not fortifie a|ny townes or Caſtels on the frontires neare to the Engliſhe or Brytiſhe confines: And further, they ſhoulde couenaunt to pay vnto the Engliſh men and Brytaynes within the ſpace of twentie yeares, the ſumme of one thouſand pounde of ſil|uer. For performance of all which articles of a|greement,Hoſtages are required. the Scottes ſhoulde deliuer three ſcore hoſtages, beeing the ſonnes and heyres apparant of the chiefeſt noble men of all theyr Realme and Countrey. And if it ſo were that they miſlyked and refuſed any of theſe articles, hee commaun|ded that there ſhould no other Ambaſſador come to him for any other treatie of accorde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Ambaſſadours returning home, and de|claring how they had ſped,The Scottes miſlike the ar|ticles of peace. many of the Scottes thought the Articles nothing reaſonable for free people to accept: Other iudged that eyther they muſt come to ſome agreement with the Engliſh men and Brytaynes, or elſe put the lande in ex|treeme perill, and thus had the people bin deuided into two contrarie opinions and factions, had not one Calene a noble man, borne of high parentage,Calene his graue counſell taketh place. & gouernor of Angus, with ſober reaſons & ſtrong arguments appeaſed this contention, perſwading them to haue reſpecte to the tyme, and ſithe the force of the Realme was ſo infeebled, abated, and brought vnder foote through aduerſe fortune, bet|ter it was to yeelde vnto neceſſitie in ſauing part at that preſent, in hope after when occaſion ſerued to recouer the reſidue, than through obſtinate wilfulneſſe to loſe the whole. For conſidering the preſent daunger, it could be reputed no diſhonour to receyue conditions of peace at the enimies han|des, ſithe there wanted not the lyke enſample of the Romaines, who gladly accepted ſuche arty|cles of peace, as that noble Prince king Eald ap|poynted them: and yet it is not to be iudged that there wanted men of great knowledge and wiſe|dome amongſt them, and ſuch as regarded theyr honour, ſo farre forth as reaſon in any wiſe dyd reache.

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