5.30. Gurguint.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Gur|guint. [figure appears here on page 21] GVrguyn|tus ye ſon of Beline, began to raigne ouer the Brytayns, in the yeare of the Worlde, 1596. after the building of Rome .380. af|ter ye deliuerãce of the Iſraelites oute of captiuitie .164. com|plete, which was aboute the .xxxiij. yeare of Ar|taxerxes Mnenon, ſurnamed Magnus, the .vij. king of the Perſians.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Gurguint, in the Engliſh Chronicle is named Corinbratus, and by Math. Weſtmon. he is ſurnamed Barbiruc,Ma. VVest Gal. M. the which bycauſe the trybute graunted by Guylthdag King of Den|marke in perpetuitie vnto the Kings of Bry|taine was denyed, hee ſayled with a mightie na|uie and armie of men into Denmarke, where hee made ſuche warre with fyre and ſworde,Gurguint cõ|ſtrayned the Danes by force to pay their tribute. that the King of Denmarke with the aſſent of hys Barons was conſtrayned to graunt eftſoones to continue the payment of the aforeſayde try|bute.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 After hee had thus atchieued hys deſyre in Denmarke, as he returned back toward Brytain againe, he encountred with a Nauie of .xxx. ſhips beſyde the Iles of Orkeney.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe Shippes were fraught with men and women, and had to theyr Captayne one called Bartholoin or Partholin.Mat. VVeſt. Gal. Mon. The which beeyng b [...]ought to the preſence of King Gurguint, de|clared that hee with hys people were baniſhed oute of Spayne, and were named Balences or Baſclenſes,Baſques. and had ſayled long on the Sea, to the ende to fynde ſome Prince that woulde aſ|ſigne to them a place of habitation, vnto whom they would become ſubiects,See more here of in Ireland. and hold of him as of theyr ſoueraigne gouernour.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Therefore hee beſought the King to conſi|der theyr eſtate, and of his greate benignitie, to appoynte ſome voyde quarter where they might inhabite.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King with the aduice of hys Barons, graunted to them the Ile of Irelande, whiche as then (by report of ſome Authours) lay waſt and without habitation.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But it ſhoulde appeare by other wryters,P [...]lid [...] that it was inhabyted long before thoſe dayes, by the people called Hibernenſes, of Hiberus theyr Captayne that brought them alſo out of Spaine.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that Gurguintus was returned in|to hys Countrey, hee ordeyned that the lawes made by his [...], ſhoulde be duely kept and obſerued.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 And thus [...]yniſtring iuſti [...]e to hys ſub|iectes for the tearme of .xix. yeares, he finally de|parted this lyfe, and was buried at London, or as ſome haue, at Cairleon.Cai [...]
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In hys dayes was the Towne of Cam|bridge wyth the Vniuerſitie fyrſt founded by Cantaber, brother to the aforeſayde Bartho|loin (according to ſome wryters) as after ſhall appeare.
5.31. Guintolinus.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Guin|tolius [figure appears here on page 21] GVyntoli|nus, or Guintellius ye ſonne of Gur|guintus, was admitted king of Brytayne, in the yeare of the world .3614 after the buyl|ding of the ci|tie of Rome .399. and ſeconde yeare of the .106. Olympiade.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Guintoline was a prudent Prince, graue in counſell, and ſober in behauiour. He had alſo a wife named Martia, a woman of paſſing beautie, and wiſedome imcomparable, as by hir prudent gouernment and equall adminiſtration of iuſtice after hir huſbandes deceaſe, during hir ſonnes minoritie, it moſt manifeſtly appeared.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 It is thought that in an happy time this Guin|toline came to the gouernance of this kingdome, being ſhaken and brought out of order with ciuill diſſentions, to the ende he might reduce it to the former eſtate, which he earneſtly accompliſhed: for hauing once got the place, hee ſtudyed with great diligence to refourme of newe, and to ad|orne with iuſtice, lawes, and good orders, the Brytiſh common wealth, by other Kings not ſo framed as ſtoode with the quietneſſe thereof. But afore all things hee vtterly remooued and appeaſed ſuche ciuyll diſcorde, as ſeemed yet EEBO page image 29 to remaine after the maner of a remnant of thoſe ſeditions factions and partakings, which had ſo long time raigned in this lande. But as he was buſie in hande herewith, death tooke him out of this life, after he had raigned .xxvij. yeares, and then was he buried at London.
5.32. Sicilius.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]cilius. [figure appears here on page 29] SIcilius the ſonne of Guintoline, be|ing not paſt ſeuen yeres of age when his father dyed, was admitted king, in the yeare .3660. after the buylding of Rome .430. and after the deliuerance of the Iſraelites out of capti|uitie . [...]8. and in the ſixt after the death of Alexander.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 By reaſon that Sicilius was not of age ſuf|ficient of himſelfe to guide the kingdome of the Brytaynes, his mother that worthie Ladie cal|led Martia, had the gouernance both of his reaſon and perſon committed to hir charge.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 She was a woman expert and ſkilful in dian [...]e ſciences, [...]ene Mar| [...]gouerneth [...]r ſonnes [...]ruth. but chiefely beeing admitted to the go|uernance of the realme, ſhe ſt [...]died to pre [...]e the common wealth in good quiet and wholſome or|der, [...]maketh [...]s. and therefore deuiſed & eſtabliſhed pro [...]table & conueniente lawes the which after were called Martian laws, of hir name that fyrſt made them.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe lawes, as thoſe that were thought good and neceſſarie for the preſeruation of the common wealth, Alfred, or Alured, that was long after king of England, tranſlated alſo out of the Bry|tiſhe tongue, into the Engliſh Saxon ſpe [...]che, and then were they called after that tranſlation Marchenelaghe, [...]t. VVeſt. that is to meane, the lawes of Martia.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 To conclude, this worthie woman guided the lande during the minoritie of hir ſonne right politiquely, and highly to hir perpetuall renowme and commendation. And when hir ſonne came to lawfull age, ſhe deliuered vp the gouernaunce into his handes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 How long he raigned wryters varie, ſome a|uouche but ſeuen yeares, [...]t. VVeſt. [...]ton. though other affyrme xv. whiche agreeth not ſo well with the accorde of other Hyſtories and tymes. He was buried at London.