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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But the French ambassadors did so much both by offers and intreaties,A peace pro|clamed be|tweene Eng|land & Frãce. that the king condescended to a peace, which being concluded, was proclamed in London with a trumpet the eight of September. By the couenants of this peace the king of Eng|land should receiue at certeine daies twentie hun|dred thousand crownes, which then amounted in ster|ling monie to the summe of foure hundred thousand pounds sterling, of which one paiment of fiftie thou|sand pounds was paid in hand. In October were sent into France,The ladie re|gent sworne to performe the articles of the league. sir William Fitzwilliam treasu|ror of the kings house, and doctor Tailor, as ambas|sadors from the king of England to the ladie regent, whome they found at the citie of Lion, where, of hir they were honorablie receiued: and in their presence the said ladie regent tooke a corporall oth in solemne wise, and according to the custome in such cases vsed, to performe all the articles and couenants passed and concluded in the league and treatie of peace by hir commissioners.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The emperour was nothing pleased, in that the king of England had thus concluded peace with the Frenchmen, and therefore the English merchants were not so courteouslie dealt with, as they had béene afore time.A winters death. In this winter was great death in Lon|don, so that the terme was adiourned: and the king kept his Christmasse at Eltham,The still Christmasse. with a small num|ber, and therefore it was called the still Christmasse. ¶In Ianuarie was a peace concluded betwixt the realmes of England and Scotland for thrée yeares and six moneths. The cardinall about this time com|ming to the court, which then laie (as before yée haue heard) at Eltham, tooke order for altering the state of the kings house.The cardina [...] altereth the state of the kings hous|hold. Manie officers and other seruants were discharged, and put to their pensions and annu|ities. In which number were fourescore and foure yeomen of the gard, which before hauing twelue pence the daie with checke, were now allowed six pence the daie without checke, and commanded to go home into their countries. Diuers ordinances were made at that season by the cardinall, touching the gouernance of the kings house, more profitable than honorable, as some said, and were called long after,The statutes of Eltham. The statutes of Eltham.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 On Shrouetuesdaie there was a solemne iusts held at the manor of Gréenewich, the king & eleuen other on the one part, and the marquesse of Excester with eleauen other on the contrarie part. ¶At those iusts by chance of shiuering of a speare sir Francis Brian lost one of his eies. The eleuenth of Februa|rie being sundaie, the cardinall with great pompe came to the cathedrall church of Paules, where he sat in pontificalibus vnder his cloth of estate of rich cloth of gold, and there doctor Barnes an Augustine frier bare a fagot for certeine points of heresie allea|ged against him;Doct. Barne [...] and two mer|chants of the Stillard beare fagots. and two merchants of the Still|ard bare fagots for eating of flesh on a fridaie: and there the bishop of Rochester doctor Fisher made a sermon against Martine Luther, which certeine yeares before, that is to wit, about the yeare a thou|sand fiue hundred and eightéene, had begun to preach and write against the authoritie of the pope.

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