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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This yeare in Iulie the lord Archembald Dou|glas earle of Angus, which had maried the quéene of Scots sister to the king of England, escaped out of France (where he had remained for a season, in ma|ner as a banished man) and came into England to the king, as then being at Gréenewich, and was of him courteouslie receiued. Sir Anthonie Fitz Her|bert one of the Iustices of the common plées,Commissio|ners sent into Ireland to re|forme the countrie. sir Rafe Egerton knight, and doctor Denton deane of Lichfield, being sent in the begining of this yeare in|to Ireland as commissioners, behaued themselues so sagelie, that they reformed diuers wrongs, brought sundrie of the wild Irish by faire means vnto obedi|ence, and made (by the kings authoritie) the earle of Kildare deputie of the land;The earle of Kildare made deputie of Ireland. before whome the great Onele bare the sword. And the lord Piers Butler earle of Ormond, which before was deputie, was now made high treasurer of Ireland. In Septem|ber the said commissioners returned.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 During all this season, there were dailie attempts made and practised by the Englishmen in the lowe countries, namelie the English horssemen; & the ad|uenturers rested not, but dailie made inuasions vp|on the French confines. But the aduenturers about the beginning of winter made an enterprise to fetch some bootie from a village lieng towards Mutrell. They were not fullie two hundred men, and of those there were fiue and twentie horssemen. The French|men by chance the same time were abroad vnder the conduct of the earle of Dammartine, which was going to S. Omers with fiftéene hundred horsse|men, and eight hundred footmen, and perceiuing where the aduenturers were comming, made to|wards them, and after long & cruell fight ouercame them, and slue most part of them, for that in defen|ding themselues most stoutlie, they had slaine and wounded a great number of the Frenchmen yer they could be ouercome, kéeping themselues close to|gither, and might not be broken so long as they had anie arrowes to shoot.The end of the Kréekers. This was the end of the ad|uenturers otherwise called Kréekers, being as har|die men as euer serued prince.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In December there came to London diuerse ambassadors out of Scotland, about a peace to be had, and a marriage concluded betwéene the king of Scots, and the ladie Marie daughter to the king of England,Sée the histo|rie of Scot|land, pag. 312 as in the Scotish historie yee shall find more at large expressed. Before the feast of Christ|masse, the lord Leonard Graie, and the lord Iohn Graie, brethren to the marquesse Dorset, sir George Cobham, sonne to the lord Cobham, William Ca|rie, sir Iohn Dudleie, Thomas Wiat, Francis Pointz, Francis Sidneie, sir Anthonie Browne, sir Edward Seimor, Oliuer Manners, Perciuall Hart, Sebastian Nudigate, and Thomas Calen, esquiers of the kings houshold, enterprised a cha|lenge of feats of armes against the feast of Christ|mas, which was proclaimed by Winsore the herald, and performed at the time appointed after the best maner, both at tilt, tourneie, barriers,Sée these triumphs in Edw. Hall pag. Cxxxiij. and assault of a castell erected for that purpose in the tiltyard at Gréenewich, where the king held a roiall Christmasse that yeare, with great mirth and princelie pastime.

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