Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this meane while, were the emperour and the French king fallen at variance, so that the warre was renewed betwixt them; for the pacifieng wherof, the cardinall of Yorke was sent ouer to Calis, where the ambassadours of both those princes were appoin|ted to come to him.Cardinall Woolsie sent ouer to Calis. He arriued there the second of August. There went ouer with him the erle of Wor|cester, then lord chamberleine, the lord of S. Iohns, the lord Ferrers, the lord Herbert, the bishop of Du|resme, the bishop of Elie, the primat of Armacane, sir Thomas Bullen, sir Iohn Pechie, sir Iohn Hus|sie, sir Richard Wingfield, sir Henrie Guilford, and manie other knights, esquiers, gentlemen, doctors, and learned men. Thus honourablie accompanied he rode thorough London the twentie fift daie of Iulie, Edw. Hall in H. 8. fol. lxxxvj. and at Thomas Beckets house the maior and alder|men tooke leaue of him, praieng God to send him good spéed. Thus passed he to Canturburie, where the archbishop of Canturburie and others receiued him in his statelinesse, and brought him vnto his lodging vnder a canopie to the bishops palace. On the eight daie of Iulie he came to Douer. On the twentith he & the other lords with their retinues tooke passage, and arriued at Calis in safetie, where the lord depu|tie and the councell receiued them with much honour and lodged the cardinall in the Staple hall.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Shortlie after his arriuall at Calis, thither came the chancellor of France, and the countie de Palice, with foure hundred horses, as ambassadors from the French king; and likewise from the emperour came great ambassadors,The emperor & the French king their am|bassadours méet at Calis, to treat of a peace. either partie being furnished with sufficient commissions to treat and conclude of peace as should appeare. But yet when it came to the point, as the one partie seemed conformable to rea|sonable offers, so the other would not incline that waie; insomuch that they were neuer at one time a|greeable to anie indifferent motion that could be made. There were also the popes ambassadors, wher|vpon the cardinall would haue furthered a league betwixt the emperour, the king of England, the king of France, and the pope: but the popes ambassadors wanted commission thereto, and therefore were let|ters sent to Rome in all hast, and the Frenchmen taried still in Calis, till answer came from thence. The cardinall rode into Flanders to speake with the emperour, which as then laie in Bruges. A mile without Bruges the emperour receiued him, and did to him as much honour as could be deuised. The chéere was great which was made to the English|men, and of euerie thing there was such plentie, that there was no want of things necessarie, insomuch that of the fare, both for plentifulnesse, delicatnesse, and statelinesse of seruice, a man might haue said:
[...] magnorum dixisses esse deorum.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The cardinall after he had soiorned in Bruges the space of thirtéene daies,The [...] receiueth the cardinall with great honour at Bruges and concluded diuerse mat|ters with the emperour, and accomplished his com|mission, he tooke leaue of his maiestie, and by con|uenient iorneis returned to Calis, where the ambas|sadors of France taried his comming: and immedi|atlie after his returne to Calis, he treated with them of peace, but not so earnestlie as he did before. In fine, nothing was concluded, but onelie that fisher|men of both the princes might fréelie fish on the seas without disturbance, till the second of Februarie next. When no conclusion of agréement could be ac|corded, the cardinall sent to the emperour the lord of S. Iohns, and sir Thomas Bullen knight, to aduer|tise his maiestie what had béene doone, and likewise to the French king, as then lieng in campe with a mightie armie in the marches about Cambreie. The earle of Worcester and the bishop of Elie were sent to informe him of all things that had béene moti|oned, exhorting him to incline to peace, but he gaue little eare thereto: and then after they had béene a ninetéene or twentie daies in his host they returned. During the continuance of the cardinall in Calis,Cardinall Woolsie car|rieth the great seale with him to Calis, & then sealeth writs and patents all writs and patents were there by him sealed, and no shiriffes chosen for lacke of his presence, hauing there with him the great seale, & full power in things, as if the king had béene there in person. ¶Ambassa|dors comming from the king of Hungarie towards the king of England, were receiued honourablie of the Cardinall during his abode in Calis.