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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The lord Pomiers likewise tooke his course west|ward,Fulnaie. & by night burning certeine houses in Fulnaie with a little pillage retired into Britaine. The Scots also (busie like flies where no flap to fraie them) en|tered into Northumberland (king Iames the second being there in person) & burned certeine poore houses,The Scots inuade Eng|land. and little cottages: but in the verie middest of their great enterprise, they hearing of the duke of Yorkes marching toward them with a great host, with much paine and no gaine in all hast returned to their coun|trie. But now to passe ouer outward inuasions, & to intreat of the dailie disorder amongest the nobles at home. So was it, that a great conflict fell betwéene the lord Egremond, & the sonnes of the erle of Salis|burie; in which manie persons were slaine, & a great number hurt. The lord Egremond, séeking to get a|waie but could not,The lord E|gremond com|mitted to Newgate. by force was taken & brought be|fore the councell: where the king and the queene, to shew themselues indifferent, adiudged him to paie to the earle of Salisburie a great summe of monie; and for his heinous offense against the lawes, was committed to Newgate in London, out of which he escaped, to the great trouble of the shiriffes.He made an escape.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The queene nothing more séeking than the ouer|throw of the duke of Yorke and his friends, and per|ceiuing she could attempt nothing against him néere to London, because the duke was in more esti|mation there, than either the king hir husband, or hir selfe: therefore she caused the king to make a pro|gresse into Warwikeshire for his health and recrea|tion. And so in semblance of hawking and hunting, came to Couentree, where diuerse waies were stu|died to fulfill the queenes desire: for the accompli|shing whereof, the duke of Yorke, the earles of Sa|lisburie, EEBO page image 646 and Warwike (whose destructions was chieflie sought) were sent for to Couentrée by the kings letters,A practise to haue intrap|ped the duke of Yorke. vnder his priuie seale, to which place the said lords without suspicion of danger obedient|lie resorted.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But being admonished by secret friends, what was intended against them, they by flight auoided that danger, where otherwise their liues had béene lost without all remedie. And so without bidding a|nie farewell, they departed from the court; the duke vnto Wigmoore in the marches of Wales, the earle of Salisburie to his castell of Middleham in the north, and the earle of Warwike sailed to Calis. The bodies of which thrée noble personages though thus separated, yet their hearts knit in one, and still went messengers & letters betwixt them, to commu|nicat their deuises, and giue signification of their minds and purposes.

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