Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Thus was the duchie of Aquitaine, which had con|tinued in the English possession,Aquitaine l [...]t. from the yeare of our Lord 1155, vnto this present yeare, which is neere hand thrée hundred yeares, by the mariage of Elenor daughter and heire to William duke of Aquitaine, wife to king Henrie the second, finallie reduced and brought againe to the French obedience and serui|tude. Within that onlie duchie be foure archbishops, foure and twentie bishops,The dignitie and state of that duke|dome. fifteene earledomes, two hundred and two baronies, and aboue a thousand cap|teinships and baliffewikes: whereby ye may consi|der, what a losse this was to the realme of England. On the thirteenth daie of October this yeare, was the quéene deliuered at Westminster of a faire sonne,The quéene deliuered of hir son prince Edward. who was christened, and named Edward.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 His mother susteined not a little slander and oblo|quie of the common people, who had an opinion that the king was not able to get a child; and therefore sticked not to saie, that this was not his sonne, with manie slanderous words, greatlie sounding to the queenes dishonour; much part perchance vntrulie. After the birth of this child, he highlie aduanced his brethren on his mothers side: for Edmund he made earle of Richmond, which was father to king Henrie the seuenth, and Iasper he created erle of Penbroke, which died without issue. ¶This yeare, Iohn Stafford archbishop of Canturburie departed this life, and Iohn Kempe archbishop of Yorke was remoued from that sée, to succeed in place of the said Stafford, being the thrée score and second archbishop there, & Iohn Booth bishop of Couentrie and Lichfield was translated to Yorke, being the one and fiftith archbi|shop of that church.
Abr. Fl. ex I. S [...] pag. 673.¶On Bartholomew daie at the wrestling neere vn|to Clerkenwell, a gentleman belonging to the prior of saint Iohns, made a rumor or tumult, for the which (by the commandement of the maior) he was arested by Richard Allie one of the shiriffes,The maior, shiriffes and aldermen, re|sisted and a|bused in a [...]ra [...]e neére Clerkenwell. and deliuered to Paris a sergeant. But such resistance was made by parts taking, that the shiriffe was faine to craue helpe of the maior, who with his brethren the alder|men arose from the game, and strengthened the shi|riffes. And for the rescue of the said gentleman, one named Ca [...]is, came out of saint Iohns with a great strength of archers, to resist the maior, in the which fraie a yeoman of saint Iohns was slaine, and ma|nie other sore hurt. The maior himselfe escaped hard|lie, for his cap was smitten from his head with an arrow: but the maior with his citizens put the other to flight, sent the principall of them to Newgate, and then tooke his place againe till the games were en|ded: by which time the citizens had gathered them|selues in great number, and fetched him home, neuer maior so stronglie nor so honorablie.]