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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king without doubt was highlie displeased in his mind, that this communication came to no bet|ter passe. Wherefore he mistrusting that the duke of Burgognie was the verie let and stop of his desires, said vnto him before his departure:

Coosine, we will haue your kings daughter, and all things that we de|mand with hir, or we will driue your king and you out of his realme. Well (said the duke of Burgognie) before you driue the king and me out of his realme, you shall be well wearied, and therof we doubt little.
Shortlie after, the duke of Burgognie and the Dol|phin met in the plaine fields besides Melun, and there comming togither, concluded apparantlie an open peace and amitie, which was proclamed in Paris, Amiens, and Pontoise.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This agréement was made the sixt of Iulie in the yeare 1419. It was ingrossed by notaries,An agréement betwéene the duke of Bur|gognie & the Dolphin. signed with their hands, and sealed with their great seales of armes: but as the sequele shewed, hart thought not what toong spake, nor mind meant not that hand wrote. Whiles these things were a dooing, Titus Liuius diuerse of the Frenchmen in Rone went about a conspiracie against the Englishmen, whereof the king being well aduertised, sent thither certeine of his nobles, which tried out these conspirators,A conspiracie in Rone. caused them to be apprehended, had them in examination, and such as they found guiltie were put to death; and so setting the citie in quietnes, returned to the king, who coun|ted it great honor to kéepe the countries which he woone by conquest in obedience and aw; sith such vi|ctories are not obteined without sore labour and toile, both of prince and people, as the poet rightlie saith:

Quaerere regna, labor; virtus est parta tueri
Maxima.In Angl. prel. sub Hen. 5.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 570The king of England, perceiuing by this new a|liance, that nothing was lesse to be looked for, than peace at the hands of the Frenchmen, deuised still how to win townes and fortresses, which were kept against him: and now that the truce was expired, on the thirtith daie of Iulie,

Hall. These bands belonged to the earle of Longueuile & to the lord de Lespar Gas|coignes.

Hist. dez duez de Normand. The king plaieth the porters part.

he being as then within the towne of Mante, appointed certeine bands of souldi|ers in the afternoone to passe out of the gates, giuing onelie knowledge to the capteins what he would haue them to doo. And to the intent that no inkling of the enterprise should come to the enimies eare, he kept the gates himselfe as porter. These that were thus sent foorth being guided by the earle of Longue|uile, otherwise called the captau de Buef, were com|manded in as secret maner as they could to draw toward the towne of Pontoise, and to keepe them|selues in couert till the darke of the night, and then approch the walles of that towne, and vpon espieng their aduantage to enter it by scaling, hauing lad|ders and all things necessarie with them for the pur|pose.

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