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9.1. The copie of the writ for the deli|uerie of the castels.

The copie of the writ for the deli|uerie of the castels.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _EDwardus Dei gratia rex Angliae, dominus Hiberniae, dux Aquitaniae, & superior dominus regni Scotiae, dilecto & fideli suo Petro Burdet, constabulario castri de Berwike salu|tem. Cùm Iohannes de Baliolo nuper in parlamen|to nostro apud Berwicum super Tuedam, venisset coram nobis, & petiuisset praedictum regnum Sco|tiae sibi per nos adiudicari, & seisinam ipsius regni vt propinquiori haeredi Margaretae filiae regis Norwegiae dominae Scotiae iure successionis libera|ri, ac nos auditis & intellectis petitionibus, & ra|tionibus diligentur examinatis, inuenerimus prae|fatum Iohannem de Baliolo esse propinquiorem haeredem praedictae Margaretae, quo ad praedictum regnum Scotiae obtinendum: propter quod idem regnum Scotiae, & scisinam eiusdem, saluo iure no|stro, & heredum nostrorum, cum voluerimus in|de loqui, praedicto Iohanni reddidimus: tibi man|damus quòd seisinam praedicti castri de Beruico cum omnibus pertinentijs suis, vnà cum alijs om|nibus rebus tibi per chirographum traditis, secun|dum quod in praedicti castritibi commissa custodia res huiusmodi recepisti, sine dilatione praefato Io|hanni de Baliolo, vel attornatis suis has litteras deferentibus, deliberari facias. Teste meipso apud Beruicum super Tuedam 19 die Nouembris, An|no regni nostri 20.

9.2. In English thus.

In English thus.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _EDward by the grace of God, king of England, lord of Ireland, duke of Aquitaine, and superiour lord of the realme of Scotland, to his welbeloued and faithfull seruant Peter Burdet conestable of the castell of Ber|wike, sendeth greeting. Where Iohn de Bali|oll late in parlement holden at Berwike vpon Tweed, came before vs, and demanded the said realme of Scotland to be adiudged to him by vs, and seizine of the same realme to be to him deliuered as next heire to Margaret daughter to the king of Norwaie, ladie of Scotland by right of succession. We hauing heard and vn|derstood the same petitions; and reasons being diligentlie weighed and examined, we find the said Iohn Balioll to be next heire vnto the laid Margaret, as to obteine the said kingdome of Scotland, whervpon we haue deliuered to him the said kingdome of Scotland, and the seizine therof, sauing the right of vs & our heires, when it shall please vs to speake therof. We therefore command you, that you deliuer vp vnto the said Iohn Balioll, or to his attornies, that shall bring with them these our present letters, the seizine of the said castell of Berwike, with all the appur|tenances, togither with all other things to you by indenture deliuered accordinglie as you did receiue the same, with the custodie of the said castle to you committed: and this without de|laie. Witnesse our selfe at Berwike vpon Tweed the nineteenth day of Nouember, in the twen|tith yeare of our reigne.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the same forme of words were writs awarded forth, to all and euerie other the kéepers of castels and manors belonging to the crowne of Scotland, and being at that time in K. Edwards hands, the names of places and the persons that had them in custodie onelie changed.The seale broken. On the same day also in the castell of Berwike was the seale broken, which had béene appointed to the gouernors, during the time that the realme was vacant of a king. It was broken into foure parts, and put into a pursse to be reserued in the treasurie of the king of England, in further and more full token of his superioritie and direct supreme dominion ouer the realme of Scotland.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 These things were doone in presence of the said Iohn Balioll then king of Scotland, Iohn arch|bishop of Dubline, Iohn bishop of Winchester, An|thonie bishop of Duresme, William bishop of Elie, Iohn bishop of Carleil, William bishop of S. An|drewes, Robert bishop of Glasco, Marke bishop of Man, and Henrie bishop of Aberdene, with diuerse other bishops, besides abbats and priors of both the realmes; Henrie earle of Lincolne, Humfrie earle of Hereford, Roger earle of Norffolke, Iohn earle of Buchquane, Douenald earle of Mar, Gilbert earle of Angus, Patrike earle of March, and Malisi|us earle of Stratherne; with the foure and twentie auditors of England, and the foure score auditors of Scotland: chapleins also, Henrie de Newmarke deane of Yorke, Iohn Lacie chancellour of Chiche|ster, William de Greenefield canon of Yorke, and Iohn Ercurie notarie, and manie other. Iohn Bali|oll being thus created K. of Scotland, on the twen|tith day of Nouember, in the castell of Norham, did fealtie to king Edward for the kingdome of Scot|land, in maner as followeth.

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