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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Master Ste|phansons booke of Re|cords.The king hauing receiued as well the possessions of the realme, castels, manours, as other places be|longing to the crowne of Scotland, he committed the gouernement and custodie of the realme vnto the bishops of S. Andrews and Glasco,Wardens of the realme of Scotland ap|pointed by K. Edward. to the lords Iohn Comin, and Iames Steward, who had put him in possession, so that vnder him they held the same, in maner as they had doone before. But in diuerse ca|stels he placed such capteines as he thought most meetest to keepe them to his vse, till he had ended the controuersie, & placed him in the kingdome, to whom of right it belonged. He also willed the lords of Scot|land to elect a sufficient personage to be chancellour of the realme, which they did, naming Alane bishop of Catnesse,The bishop of Catnesse elec|ted chancellor of Scotland. whom the king admitted, ioining with him one of his chapleins named Walter Armundes|ham, so that on the 12 of Iune, vpon the greene ouer against the the castell of Norham, neere to the riuer of Tweed, in the parish of Upsetelington, before Iohn Balioll, Robert Bruce, the bishops of S. An|drews and Glasco, the lords Comin and Steward, wardens of Scotland; the bishop of Catnesse recei|ued his seale,He receiueth his seale. appointed him by the king of Eng|land as supreme lord of Scotland, and there both the said bishop & Walter Armundesham were sworne trulie to gouerne themselues in the office.He is sworne.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The morrow after were the wardens sworne and with them as associated Brian Fitz Alane,The wardẽs sworne. and there all the earles and lords of Scotland that were pre|sent sware fealtie vnto king Edward, as to their su|preme souereigne lord, and withall there was peace proclaimed, and publike edicts set foorth in the name of the same king, intituled supreme lord of the realme of Scotland. The residue of the Scotish nobilitie, earles,The Scotish nobilitie dooth fealtie to king Edward. barons, knights, and others, with the bishops and abbats, vpon his comming into Scotland, sware fealtie either to himselfe in person, or to such as he ap|pointed his deputies to receiue the same, in sundrie towns and places, according to order giuen in that behalfe. Such as refused to doo their fealties, were at|tached by their bodies till they should doo their fealties as they were bound. Those that came not, but excused themselues vpon some reasonable cause, were heard, and had day giuen vntill the next parlement but such as neither came, nor made any reasonable excuse, were appointed to be distreined to come.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The bishop of S. Andrewes, and Iohn lord Comin of Badenoth, with Brian Fitz Alane, were assigned to receiue such fealties at S. Iohns towne. The bi|shop of Glasco, Iames lord steward of Scotland, and Nicholas Segraue were appointed to receiue them at Newcastell of Are. The earle of Southerland, and the shiriffe of that countrie, with his bailiffes, and the chatellaine of Inuernesse were ordeined to receiue those fealties in that countie; the chattelaine first to receiue it of the said earle, and then he with his said associats to receiue the same of others. The lord Wil|liam de Saintclare, and William de Bomille, were appointed to receiue fealtie of the bishop of Whit|terne, and then the said bishop with them to receiue the fealties of all the inhabitants of Gallowaie. A|mongst other that did their homage to the king him|selfe, was Marie quéene of Man, and countesse of Stratherne, vpon the 24 daie of Iulie, the king be|ing thus in S. Iohns towne, otherwise called Perth. To conclude, he was put in full possession of the realme of Scotland, & receiued there homages and fealties (as before ye haue heard) as the direct and su|preme lord of that land.

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