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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king, after he had remained and continu|ed three yeares, two moneths, and fiftéene daies in Gascoine, and in other parts there beyond the sea, he returned into England on the fourth day of August, and vpon the euen of the Assumption of our ladie he came to London, where he was most ioifullie re|ceiued, & so [...]ame to Westminster: where shortlie af|ter were presented vnto him manie gréeuous com|plaints and informations against diuerse of his iu|stices, as sir Thomas Weiland, Adam Stretton, and others, the which were had in examination, and thervpon found giltie of manie trespasses and trans|gressions, in so much that it was giuen him to vnder|stand, that there were among them that had giuen consent to the committing of murthers and robbe|ries, and wittinglie had receiued the offendors. Wherevpon, Chron. Dun. the king caused streight inquirie to be made by an inquest of 12 substantiall personages, who found by verdict,Thomas Weiland lord chéefe iustice of the kings bench. that Thomas Weiland lord chéefe iustice of the kings bench, had caused a mur|ther to be doone by his seruants, and after succoured and mainteined them: hervpon he was by the kings officers arrested, but escaping their hands, he tooke sanctuarie in the church of the friers minors at saint Edmundesburie, and was admitted into their habit, but within fourtie daies after, order was giuen by the king that no kind of vittels should be suffered to be conueied to that house, so that all the friers came foorth, except three or foure, and at length he was con|streined to take vpon him a laie mans apparell, and comming foorth was deliuered to the hands of Ro|bert Malet knight,Robert Ma|let. who had before the custodie of him, and now hauing him againe brought him to the towre of London. At length, he was put to his choise of thrée waies, which soeuer of them he would take, that is, whether to be tried by his péeres, or to re|maine in perpetuall prison, or to abiure the realme: he chose the last, and so bare-footed and bare-headed, bearing a crosse in his hand, he was conueied from the towre to Douer, where taking the sea, he was transported to the further side of the sea; his goods, mooueable and vnmooueable,William Brampton Roger Lei|cester, [...] Iohn Luneth being confis [...]at [...] to the kings coffers.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 William Brampton, Roger Leicester, Iohn Lu|neth, associats of the said Thomas, and iustices of the EEBO page image 285 kings bench: also, Robert Lithburie chapleine, and maister of the rolles, being accused of wrongfull iudgements and other trespasses were committed to prison within the tower, and at length with much a|doo, escaped with paieng their fines, so that he which paied least,Salomon de Roffa. Thomas de Sudington. Richard de Boiland. Walter Hoptõ Rafe de Hingham. gaue a thousand marks. Moreouer, Salo|mon of Rochester, Thomas de Sudington, Richard de Boiland, and Walter de Hopton, iustices itine|rants, were likewise punished, and for the semblable offenses put to their fines. Sir Rafe de Hingham a iustice also, to whome in the kings absence the or|dering of the realme chéefelie apperteined, being ac|cused of diuerse transgressions, and committed to the tower, redeemed his offense for an infinit summe of monie.Adam de Stratton, L. cheefe baron. Adam de Stratton, lord chéefe baron of the excheker, being conuicted of manie hainous crimes, a man plentifullie prouided both of temporall posses|sions, and ecclesiasticall reuenues, lost all his tem|porall liuings, and foure and thirtie thousand marks in readie coine, beside other mooueables, in cattell, iewels and furniture of houshold, which were all con|fiscated, and forfeited wholie: and it was thought he was gentlie dealt with, that he escaped with life, and such spirituall liuings as to him remained. Henrie Braie escheator,Henrie Braie and the iudges ouer the Iewes, were reported to haue committed manie greeuous offenses, but for monie they bought their peace. To conclude, there was not found any amongst all the iustices and officers cleere and void of vniust dealing except Iohn de Metingham,Iohn de Me|tingham, and Elias de Be|kingham. and Elias de Beking|ham, who onelie among the rest had behaued them|selues vprightlie. When therfore such gréeuous com|plaints were exhibited to the king, he appointed the earle of Lincolne, the bishop of Elie, and others, to heare euerie mans complaint, and vpon due exami|nation & triall, to sée them answered accordinglie as right and equitie should require. In which admini|stration of iustice against euill iusticiaries, the king performed the charge imposed and laid vpon all such as are in gouernement and magistracie; namelie,

E [...]b. Hess. in Psal. 2. Nunc igitur reges resipiscite, quaerite rectum,
Quorum iudicijs terra regenda data est.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the eighteenth yeare of his reigne, the king mar|ried two of his daughters, Anno Reg. 18. 1290 that is to saie, Ioane de Acres vnto Gilbert de Clare earle of Glocester, and the ladie Margaret vnto the lord Iohn sonne to the duke of Brabant. H. Marle. N. Triuet. ¶ The king ordeined, that all the wooll, which should be sold vnto strangers, should be brought vnto Sandwich, where the staple thereof was kept long time after. In the same yeare was a parlement holden at Westminster,The statutes of Westmin|ster the third established. wherein the sta|tutes of Westminster the third were ordeined. It was also decreed, that all the Iewes should auoid out of the land, in consideration whereof, a fifteenth was granted to the king, and so héervpon were the Iewes banished out of all the kings dominions,The Iewes banished out of England. and neuer since could they obteine any priuilege to returne hi|ther againe. All their goods not mooueable were con|fiscated, with their taillies and obligations; but all o|ther their goods that were mooueable, togither with their coine of gold and siluer, the king licenced them to haue and conuey with them. A sort of the richest of them, being shipped with their treasure in a migh|tie [...]all ship which they had hired, when the fame was vnder saile, and got downe the Thames towards the mouth of the riuer beyond Quinborowe, the mai|ster mariner be thought him of a wile, and caused his men to cast anchor, and so rode at the same, till the ship by ebbing of the streame remained on the drie sands. The maister herewith entised the Iewes to walke out with him on land for recreation. And at length, when he vnderstood the tide to be comming in, he got him backe to the ship, whither he was drawne vp by a cord. The Iewes made not so much hast as he did, bicause they were not ware of the dan|ger. But when they perceiued how the matter stood, they cried to him for helpe: howbeit he told them, that they ought to crie rather vnto Moses, by whose conduct their fathers passed through the red sea, and therefore, if they would call to him for helpe, he was able inough to helpe them out of those raging flouds, which now came in vpon them: they cried indéed, but no succour appeared,Iewes drow|ned. and so they were swallowed vp in water. The maister returned with the ship, and told the king how he had vsed the matter, and had both thanks and reward, as some haue written. But other affirme (and more truelie as should seeme) that diuerse of those mariners, Chro. Dun. which dealt so wickedlie against the Iewes, were hanged for their wicked practise, and so receiued a iust reward of their frau|dulent and mischéeuous dealing. But now to the purpose.

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