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Compare 1577 edition: 1 But being put in feare with the kings comming towards him with his power, he laid armor aside,He sueth for peace. and began eftsoones to require peace, which the king now the second time did not denie to grant; bicause he would not lose time to warre with the mounteins, woods and marishes, the places of refuge for Welsh|men in those daies, when they wanted power to a|bide battell and keepe the feelds. About the same time the king gaue vnto Dauid the brother of Leolin the lordship of Frodesham in Cheshire, and made him knight. Moreouer in this yeare the king held a parle|ment, EEBO page image 280 in which the statute of Mortmaine was esta|blished.The statute of Mort|maine.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Frier Iohn Peckham, whome the pope had alrea|die consecrated archbishop of Canturburie, being the 47 in number that had gouerned the said s [...], came this yeare ouer into England to supplie the roome. ¶ Also Walter Gifford archbishop of Yorke departed this life, in whose place succéeded William Wickham, the 37 archbishop there. The archbishop of Canturburie held a synod at Reading about the lat|ter end of Iulie,A synod at Reading. wherin he renewed the constitutions of the generall councell, as thus: That no ecclesiasti|call person should haue aboue one benefice to the which belonged cure of soule; and againe, that all those that were promoted to any ecclesiasticall liuing, should receiue the order of priesthood within one yere after his being promoted therevnto.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The kings come amen|ded.In this yeare the king tooke order for the amen|ding of his monie and coine, which in that season was fowlie clipped, washed, and counterfeited by those naughtie men the Iewes, and other, as before you haue partlie heard. The king therefore in the octaues of the Trinitie sent foorth commandement to all the shiriffes within the land, that such monie as was counterfeited, clipped or washed, should not be cur|rant from thencefoorth: and furthermore he sent of his owne treasure, good monie and not clipped, vnto certeine cities and townes in the realme, that ex|change might be made with the same till new monie were stamped. About the third daie of August, the first exchange was made of the new monie of pence and farthings; but yet the old monie went all this yeare togither with the new, and then was the old coine generallie forbidden, and commandement gi|uen by publike proclamation, that from thencefoorth it should no more be allowed for currant. Herewith also halfpence, which had beene stamped in the meane time, began to come abroad the same day in which the old monie was thus prohibited.

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